[Cs22800] Please post work details, schedule

Benjamin Johnson bsjohnso at midway.uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 15 16:28:05 CST 2002

Mike O'Donnell wrote:

>I'd like to see some real presentation of work on the Web pages before
>the meeting on Monday 18 November. I like Ben's presentation, and
>particularly the "development diary." But there are no entries since 2
>November. The list of milestones is also very important. Does the
>expected release of version 0.1 on 18 November mean that you've beat
>the milestone of "Working copy ... for FreeBSD 4.62/4.7 by December
>2002," or does version 0.1 lack something for that purpose? Get the
>diary up to date, clarify the progress toward goals, and mention
>somewhere when you intend to take credit, and this will be a nice
>informative presentation.
I was planning on updating this stuff tonight or tomorrow night.  I've 
recently done some good things that I have not documented yet, so I'll 
put info on those up on the site.  I also plan on writing up a summary 
of the whole process.

>And, for everybody, I'd like a clear written indication of when you
>intend to take credit. That can also be revised if necessary, but I
>need to know the best estimate. Ben could collect that information and
>put it into the main table on the front page.
I can formalize this part more on my site.  Also, any of you can send me 
stuff whenever and I'll get it up on the site as quick as possible.

See ya,


Benjamin Johnson <bsjohnso at midway.uchicago.edu>
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -- Albert Einstein

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