[Haizea] Public SVN repository now available

Borja Sotomayor borja at cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 10 04:08:36 CDT 2008

Hi everyone,

The Haizea code repository is now available here:


You can use this URL both to checkout code like this:

	svn co http://haizea.cs.uchicago.edu/svn/trunk

Or to peruse the code by pointing your web browser to that URL. You can 
also sign up to receive an e-mail notification every time there is a 
commit by subscribing to the haizea-commit mailing list: 

The SVN repository contains not-quite-ready-for-prime-time code, along 
with a lot of undocumented examples (which will slowly make their way 
into the Haizea releases). I try to avoid checking in code to trunk that 
horribly breaks things, but sometimes this is unavoidable. If you want 
to use a feature that is in SVN, and not in a release, please send a 
message to this mailing list first.

Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago
  Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science
  Ryerson 257-C, 1100 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL
GT4 Tutorial: http://gdp.globus.org/gt4-tutorial/
BorjaNet:  http://www.borjanet.com/   borja at borjanet.com
          "Dis maschine vill run und run!"
                -- Kurt Gödel (on the Turing Machine)

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