[Theory] Workshop on Graph Algorithm at DIMACS

Julia Chuzhoy cjulia at ttic.edu
Mon Mar 13 10:57:49 CDT 2023

Please see an announcement of a workshop on Graph Algorithms at DIMACS below.

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Zihan Tan <zihantan1993 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Workshop on Graph Algorithm at DIMACS
> Date: March 13, 2023 at 9:04:22 AM CDT
> To: Julia Chuzhoy <cjulia at ttic.edu>
> We are co-organizing a workshop on graph algorithms at DIMACS, Rutgers University in Summer 2023 (June 12-15). This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different areas of graph algorithms to share the techniques that have been influential in the past 5-10 years. The workshop will be from June 12 to June 15 (the week before STOC 23), and will contain 6 tutorials (2 long ones + 4 short ones) and ~12 talks. More info about the workshop can be found at the website below:
> https://sites.google.com/view/dimacswmtga <https://sites.google.com/view/dimacswmtga>
> Best regards,
> Zihan

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