[Theory] Fwd: IDEAL Workshop: Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference [June 29, 11-4 Central]

Madhur Tulsiani madhurt at ttic.edu
Sat Jun 27 13:31:21 CDT 2020

If anyone is interested in joining a workshop on network inference, this would be IDEAL!


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Aravindan Vijayaraghavan <aravindv at northwestern.edu>
> Date: June 27, 2020 at 11:08:32 AM CDT
> To: Lev Reyzin <lreyzin at uic.edu>, "Perkins, William Frank Cox" <willp at uic.edu>, Madhur Tulsiani <madhurt at ttic.edu>
> Cc: Varun Gupta <guptav at uchicago.edu>
> Subject: IDEAL Workshop: Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference [June 29, 11-4 Central]
> Hi Lev, Madhur, Will, 
> I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe in these strange times.  Sorry for the late notice. 
> We have our final workshop as part of the IDEAL special quarter on Inference and Data Science on Networks on Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference. The workshop will take place on Monday, June 29th. There will be talks by Andrea Montanari, Ankur Moitra and Liza Levina from 11am-3:15pm Central Time (CT) and a panel discussion with the speakers from 3:25-4:00 pm CT. Please see the details below or on this page.  
> It would be great if you could forward this announcement to your group and others who may be interested in it. 
> Best,
> Aravindan (on behalf of the workshop organizers)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Upcoming IDEAL Workshop: 
> Workshop: Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference
> The final workshop of the quarter is on Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference takes place on June 29 with talks from 11am-3:15pm Central and a panel discussion from 3:25-4:00 pm. Participants can register to join on Zoom, or live-stream the video (details below).  We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
> About the Series
> The IDEAL workshop series brings in experts on topics related to the foundations of data science to present their perspective and research on a common theme.  Different components of the workshop will also allow for continued discussion and interaction between attendees and the speakers.
> Synopsis
> Network models have been used as a tool to understand the role of interconnections between entities, by diverse communities such as sociology, biology, meteorology, economics, and computer science, to name a few. Moreover emerging technological developments allow collecting data on increasingly larger networks. This leads to both computational and statistical challenges when inferring or learning the structure of such networks. This workshop will cover some of the advances in the last decade on understanding trade-offs between statistical and computational efficiency for many inference problems on large networks. The workshop speakers are Andrea Montanari, Ankur Moitra, and Liza Levina.
> Logistics
> Date: Monday, June 29, 2020.
> Location: Zoom participation (register below). Panopto live-streaming.
> Registration: Registration form.  Registered participants will get a Zoom link to the workshop by email.
> Schedule
> 11:00-11:05: Opening Remarks
> 11:05-11:50: Andrea Montanari, (Stanford University, EE)
> Optimization of mean field spin glasses.
> 11:50-1:45: Lunch Break
> 1:45-2:30: Ankur Moitra, (MIT, Mathematics)
> Learning with Massart Noise
> 2:30-3:15: Liza Levina, (University of Michigan, Statistics)
> Hierarchical community detection by recursive partitioning
> 3:25-4:00: Panel Discussion with the Speakers
> We will also have an online social mixer on Gather.town during the break. 
> Titles and Abstracts
> Speaker: Andrea Montanari, Stanford
> Title and abstract: Optimization of mean field spin glasses.
> Abstract: Let G be a random graph over N vertices generated according to a statistical model, such as the stochastic block model. In order to analyze such a graph, it would be interesting to be able to partition its vertices into k balanced sets as to minimize the number of edges across the partition. Even for k=2, this problem is hard to approximate. Although we know of semidefinite programming relaxations with optimal worst-case guarantees, these can be sub-optimal for random instances. I will consider the case k=2 when G is an Erd\”os-Renyi random graph.  This problem is equivalent to the one of finding the ground-state of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Hamiltonian in statistical physics.
> I describe an algorithm that achieves a (1-\eps) approximation of the latter problem in near-linear time, conditional on a certain conjecture in mathematical physics. The algorithms exploits certain subtle properties of the non-convex energy landscape of this model. I will then discuss a more general class of Hamiltonians for mean field spin glasses and put forward a precise picture of the average-case tractability of optimization in this context.
> [Based on arXiv:1812.10897 and arXiv:2001.00904 (with Ahmed El Alaoui and Mark Sellke)]
> Speaker: Ankur Moitra, MIT
> Title: Learning with Massart Noise
> Abstract: In supervised learning, there is often a tension between being robust against increasingly more powerful adversaries and computational complexity. We will be interested in the Massart noise model, where one interpretation is that an adversary can arbitrarily control the labels on a random subset of the data. This seems to be a comfortable middle ground where algorithms cannot overtune to the noise distribution, but it is nevertheless possible to give algorithms with strong provable guarantees.
> We give a new game theoretic framework for learning under Massart noise, and our algorithms are derived from low regret online algorithms for playing relaxations of this game. Along the way we give an algorithm for properly learning halfspaces under Massart noise, improving upon the recent work of Diakonikolas, Goulekakis and Tzamos that gives an improper learning algorithm, as well as extensions to generalized linear models. Finally we evaluate our algorithms empirically and find that they exhibit some appealing fairness properties, perhaps as a byproduct of their robustness guarantees.
> This is based on joint work with Sitan Chen, Frederic Koehler and Morris Yau.
> Speaker: Liza Levina, Michigan
> Title: Hierarchical community detection by recursive partitioning
> Abstract: Community detection in networks has been extensively studied in the form of finding a single partition into a “correct” number of communities. In large networks, however, a multi-scale hierarchy of communities is much more realistic. We show that a hierarchical tree of communities, obviously more interpretable, is also potentially more accurate and more computationally efficient. We construct this tree with a simple top-down recursive algorithm, at each step splitting the nodes into two communities with a non-iterative spectral algorithm, until a stopping rule suggests there are no more communities. The algorithm is model-free, extremely fast, and requires no tuning other than selecting a stopping rule. We propose a natural model for this setting, a binary tree stochastic block model, and prove that the algorithm correctly recovers the entire community tree under relatively mild assumptions. As a by-product, we obtain explicit and intuitive results for fitting the stochastic block model under model misspecification. We illustrate the algorithm on a statistics papers dataset constructing a highly interpretable tree of statistics research communities, and on a network based on gene co-occurrence in research papers on anemia. 
> This is joint work with Tianxi Li, Lihua Lei, Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya, Koen van de Berge, Purnamrita Sarkar, and Peter Bickel.
> Copyright © 2020 IDEAL, Northwestern University, All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
> Our mailing address is:
> IDEAL, Northwestern University
> 2233 Tech Drive
> Evanston, IL 60208
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> From: Jason Hartline <jasonhartline at gmail.com> on behalf of Jason Hartline <hartline at eecs.northwestern.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 8:35 AM
> To: Kristi Hubbard <kristi.hubbard at northwestern.edu>
> Cc: Aravindan Vijayaraghavan <aravindv at northwestern.edu>; Pamela Marie Villalovoz <pmv at northwestern.edu>
> Subject: Fwd: [IDEAL] Workshop: Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference [June 29, 11-4 Central]
> Dear Kristi,
> I think your network may find this workshop on networks interesting.  
>> The Spring 2020 Special Quarter on Inference and Data Science on Networks is wrapping up with a final workshop.  The final workshop of the quarter is on Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference takes place on June 29 with short talks from 11am-3:15pm Central and a panel discussion from 3:25-4:00 pm.  Participants can register to join on Zoom, or stream the video on Panopto.  We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
> Jason
> Upcoming IDEAL Workshop: 
> Workshop: Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference
> The Spring 2020 Special Quarter on Inference and Data Science on Networks is underway.  Courses and workshops are all being offered in virtual format.  The final workshop of the quarter is on Computational vs Statistical Tradeoffs in Network Inference takes place on June 29 with short talks from 11am-3:15pm Central and a panel discussion from 3:25-4:00 pm.  Participants can register to join on Zoom, or stream the video on Panopto (details below).  We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
> About the Series
> The IDEAL workshop series brings in four experts on topics related to the foundations of data science to present their perspective and research on a common theme. Chicago area researchers with an interest in the foundations of data science. The technical program is in the morning and includes coffee and lunch. The afternoon of the workshop will allow for continued discussion between attendees and the speakers.
> Part of the Special Quarter on Inference and Data Science on Networks.
> Synopsis
> Network models have been used as a tool to understand the role of interconnections between entities, by diverse communities such as sociology, biology, meteorology, economics, and computer science, to name a few. Moreover emerging technological developments allow collecting data on increasingly larger networks. This leads to both computational and statistical challenges when inferring or learning the structure of such networks. This workshop will cover some of the advances in the last decade on understanding trade-offs between statistical and computational efficiency for many inference problems on large networks. The workshop speakers are Andrea Montanari, Ankur Moitra, and Liza Levina.
> Logistics
> Date: Monday, June 29, 2020.
> Location: Zoom participation (register below). Panopto streaming.
> Registration: Registration form.  Registered participants will get a Zoom link to the workshop by email.
> Schedule
> 11:00-11:05: Opening Remarks
> 11:05-11:50: Andrea Montanari, (Stanford University, EE)
> 11:50-1:45: Lunch Break
> 1:45-2:30: Ankur Moitra, (MIT, Mathematics)
> Learning with Massart Noise
> 2:30-3:15: Liza Levina, (University of Michigan, Statistics)
> Hierarchical community detection by recursive partitioning
> 3:25-4:00: Panel Discussion with the Speakers
> Please use this Google form to pose questions for the Panel and the speakers.
> Titles and Abstracts
> Speaker: Andrea Montanari, Stanford
> Title: TBA.
> Abstract:
> TBA.
> Speaker: Ankur Moitra, MIT
> Title: Learning with Massart Noise
> Abstract: In supervised learning, there is often a tension between being robust against increasingly more powerful adversaries and computational complexity. We will be interested in the Massart noise model, where one interpretation is that an adversary can arbitrarily control the labels on a random subset of the data. This seems to be a comfortable middle ground where algorithms cannot overtune to the noise distribution, but it is nevertheless possible to give algorithms with strong provable guarantees.
> We give a new game theoretic framework for learning under Massart noise, and our algorithms are derived from low regret online algorithms for playing relaxations of this game. Along the way we give an algorithm for properly learning halfspaces under Massart noise, improving upon the recent work of Diakonikolas, Goulekakis and Tzamos that gives an improper learning algorithm, as well as extensions to generalized linear models. Finally we evaluate our algorithms empirically and find that they exhibit some appealing fairness properties, perhaps as a byproduct of their robustness guarantees.
> This is based on joint work with Sitan Chen, Frederic Koehler and Morris Yau.
> Speaker: Liza Levina, Michigan
> Title: Hierarchical community detection by recursive partitioning
> Abstract: Community detection in networks has been extensively studied in the form of finding a single partition into a “correct” number of communities. In large networks, however, a multi-scale hierarchy of communities is much more realistic. We show that a hierarchical tree of communities, obviously more interpretable, is also potentially more accurate and more computationally efficient. We construct this tree with a simple top-down recursive algorithm, at each step splitting the nodes into two communities with a non-iterative spectral algorithm, until a stopping rule suggests there are no more communities. The algorithm is model-free, extremely fast, and requires no tuning other than selecting a stopping rule. We propose a natural model for this setting, a binary tree stochastic block model, and prove that the algorithm correctly recovers the entire community tree under relatively mild assumptions. As a by-product, we obtain explicit and intuitive results for fitting the stochastic block model under model misspecification. We illustrate the algorithm on a statistics papers dataset constructing a highly interpretable tree of statistics research communities, and on a network based on gene co-occurrence in research papers on anemia. 
> This is joint work with Tianxi Li, Lihua Lei, Sharmodeep Bhattacharyya, Koen van de Berge, Purnamrita Sarkar, and Peter Bickel.
> Copyright © 2020 IDEAL, Northwestern University, All rights reserved.
> You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.
> Our mailing address is:
> IDEAL, Northwestern University
> 2233 Tech Drive
> Evanston, IL  60208
> Add us to your address book
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