[Theory] STOC 2020: Request for student volunteers

Madhur Tulsiani madhurt at ttic.edu
Mon May 18 13:23:52 CDT 2020

Hi all,

As many of you might know, STOC 2020 (http://acm-stoc.org/stoc2020/) which was planned to be in Chicago, will now be held in a virtual format June 22-26. We are writing to request your help in organizing the online conference! Please email us at stoc2020 at ttic.edu if you will be able to volunteer some of your time toward the organization of the conference. 

Student volunteers will be asked to help with the following responsibilities:

Videos: We plan to upload the videos of the talks on YouTube 1-2 weeks before the conference. Each student volunteer will be asked to go through 10-12 talks (about 20 mins each) and upload them to a YouTube account for STOC.

Live sessions: We plan to have few 40 minute Zoom sessions at the conference. Each volunteer may be asked to assist with the organization of 2-3 sessions, together with a PC member who will be chairing the session.

Chat threads: We plan to have have chat threads for each of the papers at the conference, and the student volunteers may be added as moderators to some of these threads, to look out for any spam or trolling comments.

We may ask for your help with some or more of the above, as we figure out more of the details for the virtual conference. However, we do not expect it to take more than 10-12 hours of time for each of the volunteers. Please do let us know if you’d be able to help - we will greatly appreciate it! Of course, student volunteers will also receive a free registration (including access to the proceedings and all sessions) for the conference.

Gautam, Kostya, Yury and Madhur 
(STOC 2020 organizing team)
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