[Theory] Fwd: FOCS 2019 Call for Workshops

Avrim Blum avrim at ttic.edu
Tue Apr 23 17:11:24 CDT 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nina Balcan <ninamf at cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 4:52 PM
Subject: FOCS 2019, Call for Workshops
To: theory-announce at cs.cmu.edu <theory-announce at cs.cmu.edu>
Cc: aladdin-faculty at cs.cmu.edu <aladdin-faculty at cs.cmu.edu>

Hi all.

As you might know, FOCS 2019 will hold a Workshop and Tutorial Day on
November 9th. We invite groups of interested researchers to submit workshop
or tutorial proposals. Please see the formal call below.

Best regards.

Nina Balcan


FOCS 2019 will hold a Workshop and Tutorial Day on November 9th. We invite
groups of interested researchers to submit workshop or tutorial proposals.

*Important Dates*

Submission deadline:

*May 24, 2019*


*June 21, 2019*

Workshop Day:

*November 9th*

*FOCS 2019 will hold a Workshop and Tutorial Day on November 8th. We invite
groups of interested researchers to submit workshop or tutorial proposals.*

The FOCS 2019 Workshop and Tutorial Day provides an informal forum for
researchers to discuss important research questions, directions, and
challenges of the field. We also encourage workshops that focus on
connections between theoretical computer science and other areas, topics
that are not well represented at FOCS, new directions, and open problems.
The program may also include tutorials, each consisting of one or a few
survey talks on a particular area.


We have room for three workshops/tutorials running in parallel for a
morning session of approximately 3 hours (plus a break) and an afternoon
session of approximately 1.5 hours. Workshops or tutorials may be either
full-day (4.5 hours), half-day (3 hours), or quarter-day (1.5 hours).  The
quarter-day format is intended mainly as an option for tutorials.

*Proposal Submission*

Workshop and tutorial proposals should, ideally, fit one page. Please
include a list of names and email addresses of the organizers, a brief
description of the topic and the goals of the workshop or tutorial, the
proposed workshop format (invited talks, contributed talks, contributed
posters, panel, etc.), and proposed or tentatively confirmed speakers if
known. If your proposal is accepted and you wish to solicit contributed
talks (which we strongly encourage), we can link to your
call-for-contributions from the FOCS 2019 page. Feel free to contact the
Chairs of the Workshop and Tutorials Committee directly or at the email
address below if you have any questions.

*Submission Deadline*

Proposals should be submitted by *May 24, 2019* via email to
focs2019workshops at gmail.com.

Proposers will be notified by *June 21, 2019* whether their proposals have
been accepted.

Maria-Florina Balcan and Bobby Kleinberg,

Workshop and Tutorial Chairs, FOCS 2019
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