[Cs22800] Sebek Update

Ben Johnson bsjohnso at midway.uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 10 12:15:12 CDT 2002

I am now working on porting the sebek code (the loadable kernel module
rootkit + helper applications) over to FreeBSD.  I will really dive in
this weekend.  This may be fairly easy, or it may involve a lot of
rewriting code.  Once this is done, I believe I will be able to port it to
Mac OSX.  If this takes a long time, it will probably be the bulk of my
code.  If it is fairly easy, I will either work on porting it to Solaris
or will try to make the package more hidden from hackers and make the
log traffic more covert.

I'll keep everyone updated.

If you now know what project you're working on, please e-mail me so I can
update the webpage.

Unless anyone has any objections, once we all start sending out our 1-page
descriptions of the project / project goals, I will post them on the
website as well.



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