[Colloquium] TTIC Colloquium: Frank Dellaert, Georgia Tech

Liv Leader lleader at ttic.edu
Mon May 7 13:28:22 CDT 2012


When:     Wednesday, May 9th @ 11 a.m.

Where:    TTIC, 6045 S. Kenwood Avenue, Room #526

Who:       Frank Dellaert, Georgia Tech

Title:      Factor Graphs, Bayes Trees, and Preconditioning for SLAM and SFM

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and Structure from Motion
(SFM) are important and closely related problems in robotics and
vision. I will review how SLAM and SFM can be posed in terms of factor
graphs, and that inference in these domains can be understood as
variable elimination. I will then present the Bayes tree as a novel
data structure for representing the inferred posteriors, and show how
the Bayes tree can be updated incrementally, yielding an efficient,
just-in-time algorithm (which we call iSAM 2). Finally, I will talk
about the challenges of using these methods in graphs with dense
cliques in them, and show how identifying an efficient sub-problem
(subgraph) can yield pre-conditioners for iterative methods to attack
truly large-scale problems.

Bio: Frank Dellaert is an Associate Professor in the School of
Interactive Computing, College of Computing at Georgia Tech. His
research is in the areas of Robotics and Computer vision. He is
particularly interested in graphical model techniques to solve
large-scale problems in mapping and 3D reconstruction.  You can find
out about his research and publications at

Host: Raquel Urtasun, rurtasun at ttic.edu

Liv Leader
Human Resources Coordinator

Toyota Technological Institute Chicago
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Chicago, IL 60637
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Email-  lleader at ttic.edu
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