[Haizea] Live and Cold migration of VMs

Aline Bousquet aline.bousquet at ensi-bourges.fr
Tue Jan 4 05:15:23 CST 2011

Hello again!

I've tried VM migration in simulated mode, and I couldn't manage to have
it working. 

The scenario I'm trying to test is when I have two hosts with 400 CPU
each. we then make sure that a VM with 100 CPU is running on each host.
Then, I ask for a third VM that requires 400 CPU. I thought that this last
VM should provoke the migration of a small VM into the other host, so that
the VM requesting high resources can run. All leases are ARs.

The problem is that Haizea just refuses the last lease. Is it normal that
the lease is denied? If yes, how will I be able to see if migration is
working (maybe on another scenario)?

I made sure that migration was enabled in the configuration file. 
I'm attaching the trace file I used.

Thanks a lot and happy new year!

-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<lease-workload name="sample">
	A simple trace where an AR lease preempts a 
	best-effort lease that is already running. 

		<resource-types names="CPU Memory"/>
				<node-set numnodes="2">
				      <res type="CPU" amount="400"/>
				      <res type="Memory" amount="2048"/>

	<lease-request arrival="00:00:00">
	<lease  preemptible="true">
			<node-set numnodes="1">
				<res type="CPU" amount="100"/>
				<res type="Memory" amount="512"/>
			<exact time="00:30:00"/>
		<duration time="01:00:00"/>
          <disk-image id="foobar.img" size="1024"/>

	<lease-request arrival="00:00:00">
	<lease  preemptible="true" >
			<node-set numnodes="1">
				<res type="CPU" amount="100"/>
				<res type="Memory" amount="512"/>

			<exact time="00:30:00"/>
		<duration time="01:00:00"/>
          <disk-image id="foobar.img" size="1024"/>

	<lease-request arrival="01:00:00">
	<lease  preemptible="true" >
			<node-set numnodes="1">
				<res type="CPU" amount="400"/>
				<res type="Memory" amount="512"/>
			<exact time="00:30:00"/>
		<duration time="01:00:00"/>
          <disk-image id="foobar.img" size="1024"/>


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