[Haizea] Information about OpenNebula vnets and users

Aline Bousquet aline.bousquet at ensi-bourges.fr
Wed Dec 1 09:29:35 CST 2010


I tried to modify the OpenNebulaXMLRPCClient class by adding vnpool_info
and vn_info functions, based on the ones that already exist for hosts. I
also created a new class OpenNebulaVN.

However when, in the haizea.core.enact.opennebula module, I try to collect
the list of VNets (vns = self.rpc.vnpool_info()), it is empty.

Thanks for your help!


> This functionality does not exist, and is not currently on the Haizea
> roadmap. However, if you need to add this functionality, I would
> suggest adding it to the haizea.common.opennebula_xmlrpc module. It
> provides a class called OpenNebulaXMLRPCClient that isn't coupled to
> any other Haizea code, so it should be easy to instantiate it from any
> point and use it to access information provided by OpenNebula's
> XML-RPC API. That class currently only provides access to the vm_*
> functions, but adding other functions should be relatively easy.

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