[Theory] [Theory Lunch] Gabe Schoenbach, Wednesday 11/29 12:30pm-1:30pm, JCL 390

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Wed Nov 29 11:14:17 CST 2023

Hi everyone,

Deep apologies for sending this so late! We’ll be holding theory lunch
today with our own Gabe Schoenbach speaking. Abstract follows below.

Hope y’all enjoyed the holiday break,


*Date**:* November 29, 2023.
*Time: *12:30pm CT
*Location: *JCL 390

*Title*: Combinatorial Properties of Traceable Codes

*Speaker: *Gabe Schoenbach (University of Chicago)

*Abstract:* Motivated by a need to secure copyrighted material against
piracy, we introduce traceability codes, which are a simplified version of
fingerprinting codes, a key component in traitor-tracing cryptographic
schemes. We will define what makes a code secure against a bounded number
of pirates and present an efficient algorithm that correctly accuses a user
of piracy. We will state and prove that if a length-$m$ code has distance
greater than $m(1 - 1/w^2)$, then it is traceably secure against groups of
pirates of up to size $w$. We will close by mentioning necessary conditions
for traceable codes, and connections to fingerprinting codes.

[Theory Lunch Calendar

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