[Theory] [Theory Lunch] Siddharth Dangwal, Wednesday 11/8 12:30pm-1:30pm, JCL 390

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 7 13:15:27 CST 2023


*Date**:* November 8, 2023
*Time: *12:30pm CT
*Location: *JCL 390

*Title*: Clifford Circuits and Applications

*Speaker: *Siddharth Dangwal (University of Chicago)

*Zoom: *[link

*Abstract:* A general quantum circuit is hard to simulate on a classical
computer since the number of operations grows exponentially in the number
of qubits. However, there exists a special subclass of quantum operations
called Clifford operations which can be simulated on classical devices in
polynomial time. Clifford operations (and Clifford circuits) are not
universal, however they mimic certain behaviors of an arbitrary quantum
circuit to a high extent. One problem where they are specially useful is
that of choosing the best method to compile an arbitrary quantum circuit
from among a set of choices. We empirically show that the effects different
compilation strategies have on an arbitrary circuit correlates strongly
with the effects on its “closest Clifford circuit” for a variety of
interesting benchmarks. We also talk about open theoretical questions in
this direction and the need to address these in order to analyze the
proposed technique at scale.

[Theory Lunch Calendar

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