[Theory] Re: [Theory Lunch] Christopher Kang, Wednesday 10/18 12:30pm-1:30pm, JCL 390

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 18 12:30:50 CDT 2023

Starting now! Come on for friends and food

On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 12:17 PM Antares Chen <antaresc at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> Sorry folks, I made a mistake in the title. The correct abstract is below!
> ************************************************************
> **************************
> *Date**:* October 18, 2023
> *Time: *12:30pm CT
> *Location: *JCL 390
> *Speaker: *Christopher Kang <https://christopherkang.me/> (University of
> Chicago)
> *Title: **Topological Quantum Error Correction for Classical Theorists*
> *Zoom: *[link
> <https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91616319229?pwd=dDdXQnFXeGNubFRkZy9hTDQrcWlXdz09>
> ]
> *Abstract:* The advent of larger quantum hardware has raised the
> question: how will we effectively store and manipulate quantum data? While
> progress in device fabrication and quantum control has been breakneck,
> error rates will likely still fall between 1e-3-1e-5. These error rates are
> orders of magnitude above classical hardware and would prevent useful
> applications. We need Quantum Error Correction (QEC).
> In this talk, I will present an intuition-focused lecture on methods to
> protect quantum information. We will focus on topological QEC, which often
> times maps nicely to real hardware constraints (e.g. 2D planar
> connectivity). No quantum experience is required.
> [Theory Lunch Calendar
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_osgf1c1qemdras8mu7l7pdhjrs@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America*Chicago__;Lw!!BpyFHLRN4TMTrA!pwdRh9yLA-IBD6NCNvREJGd9Nj5jtC6_N-AowF6HSwIQeb1FPAmu0L_tAsww4XtIRnQ$>
> ]
> ************************************************************
> **************************
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 12:15 PM Antares Chen <antaresc at uchicago.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> Just wanted to announce that we'll be having our first theory lunch this
>> quarter tomorrow. It'll be in *JCL 390* during our normal time of *Wednesday
>> 10/18* from *12:30pm - 1:30pm*, with our very own Chris Kang presenting
>> about quantum error correction! If you have a moment, stop by for food and
>> fun with others in the department.
>> Also, we only have one other talk scheduled this quarter at the moment
>> (on Nov 1). If some of you are interested in speaking / know of anyone who
>> might be interested, please don't hesitate to reach out. Other than that, I
>> hope the quarter is going well for all of you!
>> Best,
>> Antares
>> ************************************************************
>> **************************
>> *Date**:* October 18, 2023
>> *Time: *12:30pm CT
>> *Location: *JCL 390
>> *Speaker: *Christopher Kang <https://christopherkang.me/> (University of
>> Chicago)
>> *Title: **Girard’s Paradox: **Topological Quantum Error Correction for
>> Classical Theorists*
>> *Zoom: *[link
>> <https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91616319229?pwd=dDdXQnFXeGNubFRkZy9hTDQrcWlXdz09>
>> ]
>> *Abstract:* The advent of larger quantum hardware has raised the
>> question: how will we effectively store and manipulate quantum data? While
>> progress in device fabrication and quantum control has been breakneck,
>> error rates will likely still fall between 1e-3-1e-5. These error rates are
>> orders of magnitude above classical hardware and would prevent useful
>> applications. We need Quantum Error Correction (QEC).
>> In this talk, I will present an intuition-focused lecture on methods to
>> protect quantum information. We will focus on topological QEC, which often
>> times maps nicely to real hardware constraints (e.g. 2D planar
>> connectivity). No quantum experience is required.
>> [Theory Lunch Calendar
>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_osgf1c1qemdras8mu7l7pdhjrs@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America*Chicago__;Lw!!BpyFHLRN4TMTrA!pwdRh9yLA-IBD6NCNvREJGd9Nj5jtC6_N-AowF6HSwIQeb1FPAmu0L_tAsww4XtIRnQ$>
>> ]
>> ************************************************************
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