[Theory] FW: Theory Lunch 2023-03-01T18:30:00.000Z

Christopher Kang ctkang at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 1 00:25:19 CST 2023

From: noreply+automations at airtableemail.com <noreply+automations at airtableemail.com>On Behalf OfTheoryBot (via Airtable) <noreply+automations at airtableemail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 12:25:13 AM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
To: Antares Chen <antaresc at uchicago.edu>
Cc: Christopher Kang <ctkang at uchicago.edu>
Subject: Theory Lunch 2023-03-01T18:30:00.000Z

Today's Theory Lunch talk:

Erasmo Tani (UChicago): Active Learning of Partitions via Same-Cluster Oracle


Description: Learning cluster structure is a fundamental task in Machine Learning. In this talk, we focus on partitioning a finite set. We consider the active setting in which one gains information about the clusters exclusively by asking potentially expensive questions of the form: “Are u and v part of the same cluster?” The main question of interest is: how many queries are needed to guarantee full recovery of the underlying partition. We will discuss what is known about this problem as well as recent extensions to the error-tolerant setting.

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