[Theory] UC Theory Seminar

Alexander Razborov razborov at uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 21 17:50:22 CST 2023

Fan Wei
Princeton University

Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 3:30pm
Kent Chemical Laboratory, Room 102
Title: Graph limits and common graphs with arbitrarily large chromatic number
Abstract:  Graph limits is a recently developed powerful theory in studying graphs from a continuous perspective. In this talk, we will show how the perspective of graph limits helps with graph homomorphism inequalities and how to make advances in a common theme in extremal combinatorics: when does randomness give nearly optimal bounds? For example, we show this perspective recently helps us answer a question on Ramsey theory raised by Jagger-Stovicek-Thomason’96, Hatami-Hladky-Kral’-Norine-Razborov’12, Conlon-Fox-Sudakov’15, where they asked whether there are common graphs with arbitrarily large chromatic numbers. This is based on a joint work with Dan Kral' and Jan Volec.
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