[Theory] IDEAL Student Social

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 25 03:51:53 CST 2023

Hey folks,

IDEAL is putting together a social event Friday Feb 3rd for graduate
students and postdocs in the Chicago area to get to know each other.
There'll be transportation and food; if you're interested make sure to RSVP
at the link below <https://tinyurl.com/IDEALSocialFeb3>.

All the best,


IDEAL is the "Institute for Data, Econometrics, Algorithms, and Learning."
It's a collaboration between research universities in Chicago that focuses
on things broadly related to machine learning theory. It includes UIC, TTI,
UChicago, IIT, Northwestern, and Google. For those interested in learning
more, check out this link <https://www.ideal-institute.org/>!

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