[Theory] Theory Reading Group

Madhur Tulsiani madhurt at ttic.edu
Tue Jan 17 10:56:54 CST 2023

Hi all,

We are planning to re-start the theory reading group this quarter: please see the message below from Tushant (cross-posted from the Chicago Theory Slack). The google form linked below also contains a link to sign up for future announcements, and a list of suggested papers (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WWOtcXEVokPtiQFLKlKCggwf1VuC5-aucun6HQNDlHs/edit?usp=sharing) Future announcements will be sent directly to the reading group mailing list and slack channel.



(from Tushant)

Hi everyone!!

We plan to restart the reading group to ensure that 2023 is off to a nice start!
The current idea for the theme is — Random Matrix Theory. However, feel free to suggest papers beyond the theme, especially if you would like to present them.
For starters, please fill out the Google Form — https://forms.gle/xsLb7TffiMjH3zh77
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