[Theory] [Theory Lunch] Antares Chen, Wednesday 11/30 12:30pm-1:30pm, JCL 298

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 11 10:29:19 CST 2023

Hi folks,

We're continuing theory lunch this quarter, and will be having our first
meeting today! Meetings will still be held at our normal time (Wednesdays
12.30), in last quarter's room (JCL 298).

Sorry for the late notice everyone, we're trying to set up a system for
automating the announcements, and are still working through some bugs.
Abstract to follow below.

Happy New Year, and hope your holidays were restful,
Antares & Chris


*Date**:* January 11, 2022
*Time: *12:30pm CT
*Location: *JCL 298

Speaker: Jesse Stern

*Title: *The Sumset Cover Problem

*Zoom: *[link

*Abstract:* We define the Sumset Cover Problem which, at a high level, is
the problem of determining pairs of sets (A,B) such that A+B=C for some
target set C. Some simple sumset cover examples for C={1,2,3,4} would be
{1,2}+{0,2} or {1,3}+{0,1}. We discuss our proof of a nearly tight bound on
the number of such covers when C=[n] as well as briefly discussing our
progress towards extending the bound to general C. Not only does this allow
one to count the number of covers, but it also allows one to enumerate the
exact coverings efficiently with respect to the to the number of distinct
sumset covers.

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