[Theory] 1/11 Young Researcher Seminar Series: Elena Voita, FAIR

Mary Marre mmarre at ttic.edu
Fri Jan 6 10:58:48 CST 2023

*When:*        Wednesday, January 11th at* 10:30** a**m CT   *

*Virtually:*  *via* Zoom (*livestream

*Who: *         Elena Voita, FAIR


*Title: *       A Journey on Interpretability Methods in NLP: Inside-Out
and Back
*Abstract: *In this talk, I will illustrate several approaches, motivations
and ideas behind analysis of NLP models. As an example, we will take the
standard Transformer model trained for the Machine Translation task and
will look at it from different points of view. We will start our journey
from examining model components and seeing how, and whether, model’s
inductive biases facilitate performing the task. Next, we turn to the kinds
of information the model relies on to make its predictions. Here we will
use attribution methods and will see how some potentially pathological
behaviours look on the inside. Finally, we will turn our view inside-out,
i.e. from inner workings of the model to analysing its outputs. In this
part, we will discover that the way the model learns to translate is very
similar to how humans do it: from learning word-by-word translation first
to becoming more fluent later. Most importantly, the two views (from the
inside and from the outside) show the same process, and we will see how
this process is reflected in these two types of analysis.

*Bio: *Elena (Lena) Voita is a Research Scientist at Facebook AI Research
(joined recently). She is mostly interested in understanding what and how
neural models learn. Previously, she was a PhD student at the University of
Edinburgh supervised by Ivan Titov and Rico Sennrich, was awarded Facebook
PhD Fellowship, worked as a Research Scientist at Yandex Research side by
side with the Yandex Translate team. She enjoys writing blog posts and
teaching; a public version of (a part of) her NLP course is available at NLP
Course For You <https://lena-voita.github.io/nlp_course.html>.

*Host: Karen Livescu <klivescu at ttic.edu>*


 The *TTIC Young Researcher Seminar Series* (http://www.ttic.edu/young-
researcher.php) features talks by Ph.D. students and postdocs whose research is
of broad interest to the computer science community. The series provides an
opportunity for early-career researchers to present recent work to and meet
with students and faculty at TTIC and nearby universities.

The seminars are typically held on Wednesdays at 10:30am in TTIC Room 530.

For additional information, please contact *David McAllester *(
mcallester at ttic.edu).

Mary C. Marre
Faculty Administrative Support
*Toyota Technological Institute*
*6045 S. Kenwood Avenue, Rm 517*
*Chicago, IL  60637*
*mmarre at ttic.edu <mmarre at ttic.edu>*
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