[Theory] REMINDER: [TTIC Talks] 1/4 Talks at TTIC: Noam Aigerman, Adobe Research

Brandie Jones bjones at ttic.edu
Mon Jan 2 09:00:00 CST 2023

*When: *Wednesday, January 4th* at ** 11:30AM CT*

*Where: *Talk will be given *live, in-person* at

                   TTIC, 6045 S. Kenwood Avenue

                    5th Floor, Room 530

*Virtually: *via Panopto (Livestream

*Who: *Noam Aigerman, Adobe Research

*Title: *Neural shape mapping: modifying, manipulating, and synthesizing
geometry through deep learning

*Abstract:* In this talk I will discuss AI-driven shape mapping, i.e.,
enabling AI frameworks to manipulate, modify, and retarget 3D geometry.
This task has the potential to automate many critical applications that
interact with 3D geometry, such as 3D design, modeling organ development,
video-to-3D, and physical simulation, to name a few. However, achieving
AI-driven mapping capabilities is a non-trivial problem, due to the
inherent difficulties in applying deep-learning techniques to 3D geometry.
In the context of shape mapping, this difficulty has been, to a significant
degree, overcome by one of my latest works which provides a fundamental,
versatile framework for AI-driven mapping of shapes, and which will be the
focal point of this talk. I will complement its discussion with a review of
earlier, non-ML shape mappings works, as well as recent works on
applications of neural shape mappings, such as shape variation by example,
and super-resolution of 3D shapes.

*Bio: *Noam is a research scientist at Adobe, focusing mainly on
geometry-related problems. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2017 from the Weizmann
Institute of Science, under the supervision of Prof. Yaron Lipman. His
research interests include geometry processing, numerical optimization,
computer graphics, and deep learning.

For more information about him and his work, please visit his personal
webpage. <https://noamaig.github.io/>

*Host: Greg Shakhnarovich <greg at ttic.edu>*

*Brandie Jones *
*Executive **Administrative Assistant*
Toyota Technological Institute
6045 S. Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL  60637
Working Remotely on Tuesdays
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