[Theory] REMINDER: Talks at TTIC: 7/19 Itai Lang, Tel Aviv University

Brandie Jones bjones at ttic.edu
Mon Jul 18 12:00:00 CDT 2022

*When:*         Tuesday, July 19th at *3**:30pm CT*

*Where:*       Talk will be given *live, in-person* at

                       TTIC, 6045 S. Kenwood Avenue

                       5th Floor, Room 530

*Who:*           Itai Lang, Tel Aviv University

*Title:*           Learning-Based Manipulation of 3D Point Clouds

*Abstract:    *A point cloud is a ubiquitous 3D data representation used in
various fields, including 3D mapping, robotics, and autonomous driving.
Typically, the raw point cloud is manipulated to carry out desired
applications, and an effective choice to apply such manipulation is to
leverage the power of deep learning models. In this talk, I will present
learning-based point cloud manipulation in three aspects: sampling, dense
correspondence, and adversarial attacks. First, we will see that it is
better to learn to sample. Specifically, I will explain how we overcame the
non-differentiability of the sampling operation and trained a neural
network to select the most important points for a task at hand, such as
point cloud classification and reconstruction. Next, I will show how
manipulating a source point cloud to a target shape, using latent space
similarity and the target coordinates, leads to a dense point
correspondence map without using any ground-truth matching supervision.
Finally, we will witness the effect of a new adversarial attack carried out
at a geometric level. In this setting, the perturbation of an input point
cloud misleads an autoencoder and causes it to reconstruct a completely
different output shape at our will.

*Bio:   *Itai Lang is a PhD candidate at Tel Aviv University, advised by
Professor Shai Avidan. Itai's research interests include computer vision
and deep learning for 3D point clouds. Before, he was a senior computer
vision and image processing algorithm engineer at Samsung's R&D center.
Itai received his BSc degree in Electrical Engineering and BA degree in
Physics from the Technion (Summa Cum Laude) as an alumnus of "Psagot" - the
elite academic program of the Israeli Defense Forces. He holds an MSc
degree in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University, where he studied
the optimization of lesion segmentation in medical images. In the coming
academic year, Itai will join the 3DL collective at the University of
Chicago as a postdoctoral research fellow.

*Host:         Greg Shaknarovich <greg at ttic.edu> & Rana Hanocka
<ranahanocka at uchicago.edu>*

*Brandie Jones *
*Administrative Assistant*
Toyota Technological Institute
6045 S. Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL  60637

Working Remote on Tuesdays
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