[Theory] A workshop and summer school on Sublinear Algorithms -- August 1-5

Sepideh Mahabadi mahabadi at ttic.edu
Sun Jul 10 22:20:45 CDT 2022

Hi All,

Please see the following announcement for a potentially relevant summer
school and workshop held by FODSI at MIT.




Foundations of Data Science Institute (FODSI) is organizing a workshop on
Sublinear Algorithms. The workshop will be held on August 3-5 at MIT. It
will cover topics in sublinear algorithms, including streaming algorithms,
sketching algorithms, sublinear-time algorithms, property testing, local
algorithms and related topics. The workshop will be preceded by a summer
school (held August 1-2), which will cover topics in sublinear algorithms,
as well as the related areas of algorithms for statistical problems and
learning-augmented algorithms.

For more information please visit:


The registration is free but mandatory.
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