[Theory] TTIC Summer Workshop on New Models in Online Decision Making: July 13-15

Avrim Blum avrim at ttic.edu
Thu Jun 16 18:52:07 CDT 2022

Hi all.

TTIC will be hosting a workshop July 13-15 on New Models in Online Decision
Making <https://sites.google.com/view/new-ml-model/home>, organized by a
group of folks at MSR NYC.  You can register for the workshop here
<https://www.ttic.edu/summer-workshop-2022/>, and there is also a
<https://sites.google.com/view/new-ml-model/call-for-posters> (deadline
June 30).

Here is more info from the call-for-posters:

The goal is to present recent works that study online decision making
settings that go beyond Bandits and Reinforcement Learning. Especially
tackling challenges that arise in real-world problems, where the
possibilities of feedback are vast and complex, and ways to incorporate
them theoretically in the problem formulation. This can include but is not
limited to: RL beyond the classical reward-MDP based model, online learning
with implicit feedback, multi-criteria objectives, preference-based RL,
multiagent games, learning in partially observed systems, batch adaptive
RL, distributional RL, learning with corrupted or delayed feedback, to name
a few. Our overall aim is to showcase interesting works with richer
feedback models coming from applications, or with new objectives requiring
a new interpretation of existing feedback structures. We would also very
much welcome new work along these lines.

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