[Theory] 4/29 TTIC Distinguished Lecture Series: Alyosha Efros, UC Berkeley

Brandie Jones bjones at ttic.edu
Fri Apr 15 13:00:00 CDT 2022

*When:    *  Friday, April 29th at *10:30am CT*

*Where:    *Talk will be given *live, in-person* at

                     TTIC, 6045 S. Kenwood Avenue

                     5th Floor, Room 530

*Who:         *Prof. Alexei (Alyosha) Efros, UC Berkeley

*Title:          *Self-Supervision: Learning from the Bottom Up

*Abstract:*  Why do self-supervised learning? A common answer is: "because
data labeling is expensive." In this talk, I will argue that there are
other, perhaps more fundamental reasons for working on self-supervision.
First, it should allow us to get away from the tyranny of top-down semantic
categorization and force meaningful associations to emerge naturally from
the raw sensor data in a bottom-up fashion. Second, it should allow us to
ditch fixed datasets and enable continuous, online learning, which is a
much more natural setting for real-world agents. Third, and most
intriguingly, there is hope that it might be possible to force a
self-supervised task curriculum to emerge from first principles, even in
the absence of a pre-defined downstream task or goal, similar to evolution.
In this talk, I will touch upon these themes to argue that, far from
running its course, research in self-supervised learning is only just

Bio:      Alyosha is a professor at EECS Department at UC Berkeley, where he
 is part of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR).
Before that, he spent nine years on the faculty of the Robotics Institute
at CMU. He is also still remembered in Oxford, where he did a post-doc with
Andrew Zisserman. Starting in 2007, he has also been closely collaborating
with Team WILLOW at École Normale Supérieure / INRIA in beautiful Paris.

Host: Greg  <greg at ttic.edu>Shakhnarovich <greg at ttic.edu>

*Brandie Jones *
*Administrative Assistant*
Toyota Technological Institute
6045 S. Kenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL  60637
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