[Theory] Starting a UChicago CS Theory Group Lunch

Antares Chen antaresc at uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 6 12:35:07 CST 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope you're doing well! We're planning to start a weekly theory group
lunch at UChicago and want to gauge when best to schedule it.

The format of the event will be a *one hour lunch each week* starting
during the *winter quarter*. In the first half, theory students and faculty
can gather, relax, and catch up with each other over catered lunch. In the
latter half, students and faculty can use the time to give a short
presentation about work they've found interesting, a result they'd like to
advertise, or as practice for a more important presentation. The event is
open to all students and faculty within the Chicago area theory community,
and the general hope is to create a light and informal atmosphere, and to
rebuild a sense of community, now that we are starting to return to the

If you are interested in attending, even if not every week, please fill out
this when2meet <https://www.when2meet.com/?13825477-9k6Hv>. We'll be
finalizing room logistics at the end of *this week Friday 12/10/21* so
please fill it out before then!

If you wish to attend and are planning to drive to campus, please let me
know and I can see what resources we have for parking around the campus.
For those at TTIC who are interested in taking the bus, here are the
time-sheets for the 171
<https://www.transitchicago.com/assets/1/6/bus-tt_171.pdf>, 172

Finally, we are looking for presenters for the winter quarter. Please send
an email if you are interested! We are actively encouraging talks without

Once all the logistics are set, we'll create a webpage and send out an
announcement for the first official date and time.

Thank you and hope to see you soon!
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