[Theory] Fwd: Northwestern Fall 2020 Quarterly Theory Workshop showcasing Junior Theorists

Madhur Tulsiani madhurt at ttic.edu
Thu Dec 10 16:15:41 CST 2020

This workshop may be of interest. There are also some local speakers :)


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Northwestern Junior Theorists Workshop 2020 <nu.jr.theorists at gmail.com>
> Date: December 10, 2020 at 4:09:45 PM CST
> To: Madhur Tulsiani <madhurt at ttic.edu>
> Subject: Northwestern Fall 2020 Quarterly Theory Workshop showcasing Junior Theorists
> Dear Madhur,
> We would like to invite you to Northwestern Computer Science’s Fall 2020 Quarterly Theory Workshop highlighting Junior Theorists. The event will be entirely virtual, on December 17 and 18 (Thursday-Friday), 10am-5pm CT. We hope that you and your colleagues will be able to attend. Full details are available on the workshop webpage:
>  https://theory.cs.northwestern.edu/events/2020-junior-theorists-workshop/
> Interested participants need to register to receive the gather.town link.
> It would be great if you could also forward this announcement to the rest of your group.
> Best Regards,
> Hedyeh and Jinshuo, on behalf of TCS @ Northwestern
> The Quarterly Theory Workshop brings in three or four theoretical computer science experts to present their perspective and research on a common theme. Chicago and Midwest area researchers with interest in theoretical computer science are invited to attend. The technical program is in the morning and includes coffee and lunch. The afternoon of the workshop will allow for continued discussion between attendees and the speakers.
> The focus of this workshop will be on junior researchers in all areas of theoretical computer science.  Each speaker delivers a 30 minute talk. After each hour-long session, there will be time for open discussion. The speakers for this workshop are:
> Yu Chen (UPenn)
> Sitan Chen (MIT)
> Albert Cheu (Northeastern)
> Mahsa Derakhshan (UMD)
> Fernando Granha Jeronimo (UChicago)
> Christopher Jung (UPenn)
> Frederic Koehler (MIT)
> Weihao Kong (Stanford/UW)
> Jason Li (CMU)
> Kuikui Liu (UW)
> Nicole Wein (MIT)
> Fang-Yi Yu (Harvard)
> Peng Zhang (Yale)
> Jeroen Zuiddam (NYU)
> Organizers: Hedyeh Beyhaghi and Jinshuo Dong.
> Date: Thursday-Friday, Dec 17-18, 2020.
> Location: Virtual (on Gather.Town and Zoom).
> Registration: https://forms.gle/2iWsiyti8DYUoEZY6
> All times are Central (CST), UTC -6.
> Thursday:
> 10:00-10:05: Opening Remarks
> 10:05-10:35: Peng Zhang (Yale), TBD
> 10:35-11:05: Jeroen Zuiddam (NYU), TBD
> 11:05-11:30: Q&A / Coffee
> 11:30-12:00: Fernando Jeronimo (UChicago), Decoding Ta-Shma’s Binary Codes
> 12:00-12:30: Kuikui Liu (UW), TBD
> 12:30-2:00: Q&A / Lunch (on you own)
> 2:00-2:30: Frederic Koehler (MIT), TBD
> 2:30-3:00: Weihao Kong (Stanford/UW), Meta-learning for mixed linear regression
> 3:00-3:30: Q&A / Coffee
> 3:30-4:00: Albert Cheu (Northeastern), Differential Privacy in the Shuffle Model
> 4:00-4:30: Sitan Chen (MIT), Learning Deep ReLU Networks when Gradient Descent Fails
> 4:30-5:00: Q&A / Coffee
> Friday:
> 10:00-10:30: Nicole Wein (MIT), Approximating the Diameter of a Graph
> 10:30-11:00: Yu Chen (UPenn), Near-linear Size Hypergraph Cut Sparsifiers
> 11:00-11:30: Q&A / Coffee
> 11:30-12:00: Jason Li (CMU), TBD
> 12:00-12:30: Christopher Jung (UPenn), Moment Multicalibration for Uncertainty Estimation
> 12:30-2:00: Q&A / Lunch (on you own)
> 2:00-2:30: Mahsa Derakhshan (UMD), TBD
> 2:30-3:00: Fang-Yi Yu (Harvard), Escaping Saddle Points in Constant Dimensional Spaces: an Agent-based Modeling Perspective
> 3:00-3:30: Q&A / Coffee
> 3:30-4:30: Northwestern spotlight talks
> 4:30-5:00: Q&A / Coffee
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