[Theory] Upcoming theory reading group talks

Madhur Tulsiani madhurt at ttic.edu
Wed Nov 25 13:43:41 CST 2020

Hi all,

As the winter approaches, it’s time to get comfortable with some hot tea/coffee, and join in for some great talks, coming soon to a computer screen near you! 

The theory reading group has several speakers (from many universities) scheduled over the next few weeks. We are planning to also meet on Thursdays at 4 pm (CST) during the break, in addition to the usual Monday 4 pm slot. Here’s a list of some upcoming talks (all at 4 pm CST, unless stated otherwise):

11/30: Aaron Potechin (http://www.potechin.org/aaronpotechin/) on 
Expander Random Walks: A Fourier-Analytic Approach (https://eccc.weizmann.ac.il/report/2020/163/)

12/3: Swati Padmanabhan (https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~pswati/) on 
A Faster Interior Point Method for Semidefinite Programming (https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10217)

12/7: Amey Bhangale (https://sites.google.com/view/amey-bhangale/home) on 
Rigid Matrices and PCPs (https://eccc.weizmann.ac.il/report/2020/075/)

12/10: Kuikui Liu (https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~liukui17/) on 
High-dimensional expanders in discrete sampling

12/14 (at *noon*): Nicolas Resch (https://homepages.cwi.nl/~nar/) on 
LDPC Codes Achieve List Decoding Capacity (https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.06430)

More talks to be added as we go along. Fernando (who’s running the show) also maintains a list here: https://darintuga.github.io 

Zoom links for the talk are not included in this email (since archives for this mailing list are visible to web crawlers) but can be accessed in either of the following ways:

- We continue to use the #ttic-uchicago-reading-group channel on the Chicago area theory Slack for discussion on the reading group, including posting of Zoom/Gather/Jam links etc. You can join the Slack workspace via this link, if you haven’t already: https://join.slack.com/t/chicagostyletheory/shared_invite/zt-j7rkitdi-JeHMd~5Mm3f7UK4jFzYbEA

- We also created a separate Google calendar for the theory reading group, including talk details and Zoom/Gather links. It is not public (to avoid making the Zoom links searchable) but is currently shared with all members of the reading group channel (channel members should have received an email from me yesterday). Please let me know if you’d like to access the calendar. Unfortunately, Google does not allow link sharing for non-public calendars, but I’ll be happy manually add you.

Happy Thanksgiving! 


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