[Theory] Fwd: [Proof Complexity] Call for Postocs: Euler Institute

Alexander Razborov razborov at math.uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 22 14:58:38 CDT 2019

Positions in St.Petersburg (they *are* theory-friendly). 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Edward A\. Hirsch" <hirsch at pdmi.ras.ru>
> Date: October 22, 2019 at 7:39:33 AM CDT
> To: proof-complexity at math.cas.cz
> Subject: [Proof Complexity] Call for Postocs: Euler Institute
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are happy to announce new initiatives at 
> The Euler International Mathematical Institute in St.Petersburg.
> The new initiatives comprise Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St.Petersburg
> and the newly established Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in 
> St.Petersburg State University including its well-known Chebyshev Laboratory.
> They include one-semester programs focused on a specific topic, as well as hosting 
> postdocs, graduate students, research visitors in all areas of mathematics, 
> TCS, mathematical and theoretical physics.
> The call for thematic programs will be published shortly. Please find below 
> the first call for postdocs. 
> We would be grateful if you spread this message among your colleagues.
> Best regards,
> Anton Baranov,  Edward A. Hirsch,  Sergei Ivanov,  Sergey Kislyakov, 
> Ari Laptev,  Nikolai Mnev,  Stanislav Smirnov
> ===
> Call for Postdocs 2019
> The Euler International Mathematical Institute in St.Petersburg is seeking 
> postdocs in all areas of Mathematics,
> Theoretical Computer Science, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
> Applicants should send their applications to euler.postdoc at gmail.com. 
> The applications should include:
> * CV,
> * List of publications (including preprints, if necessary),
> * Description of research interests, ideally mentioning possible 
>  host or other research contacts in St.Petersburg,
> * Names, affiliations and contacts of 2-3 people willing to send 
>  recommendation letters if asked by the committee,
> * Any special requirements wrt the dates, etc.
> Basic conditions: 
> * Competitive salary of 120,248 RUB (taxed at 13% for residents and foreigners), 
>  this is double the average salary in St.Petersburg,
> * Housing allowance enough to cover all or most of the rent (in addition to
>  the salary),
> * The institute partially covers travelling expenses to St.Petersburg of 
>  up to 300 Euro for the postdocs from Europe and up to 600 Euro for the 
>  postdocs outside Europe,
> * The institute has some funds for covering participation in conferences 
>  that cannot be covered from other sources,
> * 1 or 2 years extendable for another year,
> * Small teaching load,
> * Flexibility with respect to the starting date, length, 
>  specific calendar requirements (such as a leave in the middle),
> St. Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world and has multiple mathematical
> locations including Steklov Institute of Mathematics  
> http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/pdmi/en/laboratories
> and the newly created Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 
> in St. Petersburg State University 
> http://math-cs.spbu.ru/en/people/
> (the links are provided also as a "menu" of possible hosts).
> The preference is given to applications completed before November 30, 2019.
> Preferable starting dates are March 1 or September 1, 2020.
> If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask them by email above.
> UNSUBSCRIPTION: If you do not wish to receive any news 
> regarding Euler Institute, please reply to this mail
> and we will remove you from the mailing list.
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> Proof-Complexity mailing list
> Proof-Complexity at math.cas.cz
> https://list.math.cas.cz/listinfo/proof-complexity
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