[Theory] TTIC Summer Workshop Registration Now Open

Avrim Blum avrim at ttic.edu
Sun Jul 7 22:12:58 CDT 2019

Hi all.  We are pleased to be hosting four exciting workshops in the 2019
TTIC Summer Workshop Program <https://www.ttic.edu/summer-workshop-2019/>.
 Registration for the first two of these workshops is now open, and
registration is free (registration for the others will open soon).   The
first two workshops are:

August 7-August 9: Automated Algorithm Design


   - Nina Balcan (Carnegie Mellon University)
   - Bistra Dilkina (University of Southern California)
   - Carl Kingsford (Carnegie Mellon University)
   - Paul Medvedev (Penn State University)

August 12-August 14: Learning-Based Algorithms


   - Piotr Indyk (MIT)
   - Yaron Singer (Harvard)
   - Ali Vakilian (MIT)
   - Sergei Vassilvitskii (Google Research, NYC)

You can register using the links on the TTIC Summer Workshop Program
<https://www.ttic.edu/summer-workshop-2019/> page.  If you wish to attend
both workshops, please register separately for each.  The registration
links will remain up on the workshop page until registration fills.  Hope
to see you there!


Avrim Blum
Professor and Chief Academic Officer
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
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