[Theory] Fwd: Upcoming Conference on Foundations of Data Science (April 12-13, 2019, Purdue University)

Avrim Blum avrim at ttic.edu
Tue Mar 19 08:22:18 CDT 2019

Forwarding for those who may be interested.  Note that Christos
Papadimitriou will be giving a distinguished lecture here at TTIC on April
11 (the day before).  More details about that will be sent out soon.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Petros Drineas <drineas at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 10:51 AM
Subject: Upcoming Conference on Foundations of Data Science (April 12-13,
2019, Purdue University)
To: <avrim at ttic.edu>

Dear Avrim,

Hope all is well. David Gleich and I are organizing a conference on
Foundations of Data Science to be held at Purdue University on April 12-13,
2019 (see https://datafoundations.cs.purdue.edu/ for details). Can you
please help us publicize the event by forwarding this email to appropriate
departmental lists at your institution?

Obviously, we very much hope that you and members of your group would
consider attending the conference.

With best regards,

Petros and David

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to the "Algorithmic, Mathematical, and
Statistical Foundations of Data Science and Applications" conference that
will take place at Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) in April 12-13,
2019. The conference seeks to highlight the multi-disciplinary challenges
of Data Science, a growing field that uses data and computing to improve
everyday life.

Keynote speakers are (in alphabetical order) Anna Gilbert (U Michigan),
Michael Jordan (UC Berkeley), Tamara Kolda (Sandia National Labs), Vahab
Mirrokni (Google Research), Christos Papadimitriou (Columbia), and Rachel
Ward (UT Austin). Full conference schedule and registration details are
available at https://datafoundations.cs.purdue.edu/.

We hope that you will consider attending the conference. Please feel free
to forward the email to any interested parties.


Petros Drineas and David Gleich
Purdue University

Petros Drineas
Associate Professor
Computer Science Department
Purdue University
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