[SLURM] Re: 'fast' partition will be temporarily repurposed

Phil Kauffman kauffman at cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 18 13:39:49 CDT 2020

Way later than expected but the 'fast' partition has been made available 
for use again.

Thank you for your patience.



On 3/20/20 1:26 PM, Phil Kauffman wrote:
> I need to temporarily re-purpose the nodes that make up the 'fast' 
> partition.
> Supply chain on servers is unknown at this point but I hope I only need 
> to use them until the end of April.
> Updates on this will be provided via this list.

Phil Kauffman
Systems Admin
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Chicago
kauffman at cs.uchicago.edu
W: 773-702-3913

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