[Haizea] Information about OpenNebula vnets and users

Borja Sotomayor borja at borjanet.com
Mon Nov 29 10:24:01 CST 2010


> Does something similar exist for vnets or users? If not, do you have some
> hints about how to do it?

This functionality does not exist, and is not currently on the Haizea
roadmap. However, if you need to add this functionality, I would
suggest adding it to the haizea.common.opennebula_xmlrpc module. It
provides a class called OpenNebulaXMLRPCClient that isn't coupled to
any other Haizea code, so it should be easy to instantiate it from any
point and use it to access information provided by OpenNebula's
XML-RPC API. That class currently only provides access to the vm_*
functions, but adding other functions should be relatively easy.

Borja Sotomayor
-Scientific Writer at UChicago's Computation Institute
-Community Manager for the OpenNebula project

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