[Haizea] [one-users] Haizea on CentOS 5

Sander Klous sander at nikhef.nl
Mon Sep 14 09:56:08 CDT 2009

Hi Borja,

> Since a lot of people on this list don't use Haizea, it would be
> preferable if you sent this question to the Haizea list, so as not to
> clutter the OpenNebula mailing list.
I found out that I am actually subscribed to the haizea list. So I'll 
use that one next time.

> It's doable (the Python 2.5 requirement was added because of only a
> few features found in 2.5 and not in 2.4; I'd have to look up what
> these were, though, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything major), but
> unfortunately not something that would currently place very high on my
> TODO list. Do you need this right away?
Well, I'm working on this now. So, the sooner the better...

> The test command is failing because it is not finding the Haizea
> packages. ... Judging by your paste, it looks like you installed it in
> /opt/haizea. In that case, you would have to run:
> export PYTHONPATH=/opt/haizea/lib/python
Yes, it was failing due to a typo I made in this path. Next, I needed to 
install python-docutils and I installed python-lxml, but now it leaves 
me with:

ImportError: No module named etree.ElementTree

I think from browsing the python documentation, that this is one of the 
new features in 2.5.

Thanks for your assistance,

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