[Haizea] Haizea & Openenbula Requirements

Borja Sotomayor borja at cs.uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 14 10:31:25 CDT 2009

Hi Andrew,

> Thanks for the reply. Is this code in svn yet? I'd really like to look at it.

Unfortunately, there's only some basic scaffolding in leases.py, 
although I do have a pretty good idea of how I want to implement this 
(I'm just tied up with other things right now). To give you an idea of 
what I have in mind, this is from a message I sent to another user 
interested in this attribute:

> The general idea is to be able to do this:
> <site>
>     <resource-types names="CPU Memory"/>
>     <attr-types names="arch freq-volt"/>
>     <nodes>
>     <node-set numnodes="16">
>         <attr type="arch" value="x86_64"/>
>         <attr type="freq-volt" value="2000:5 1500:4.3"/>
>         <res type="CPU"/>
>             <instance amount="100"/>
>             <instance amount="100"/>
>         </res>
>         <res type="Memory" amount="1024"/>
>     </node-set>
>     </nodes>   
> </site>
> In other words, attributes allow you to specify information
> applicable to an entire node (such as the processor architecture). Note that the
value of an attribute is semantically empty to Haizea (a specialized
scheduler would have to be able to interpret what the value of the
attribute means and how it would be relevant to scheduling).

The above refers to specifying a simulated site but, with OpenNebula, it 
would simply be a question of generating the attribute types (and 
seeding those attributes) with the information provided by OpenNebula.

Also, although the attributes would be semantically empty to Haizea, the 
idea is to include at least a basic matchmaking scheduler (so, for 
example, if a lease requests a node with attribute "arch" equal to 
"x86_64", the scheduler will only schedule the lease on nodes with that 

Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago
  Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Computer Science
  Ryerson 257-C, 1100 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL
Haizea: http://haizea.cs.uchicago.edu/
          "Dis maschine vill run und run!"
                -- Kurt Gödel (on the Turing Machine)

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