[haizea-commit] r811 - in branches/1.1/src/haizea: common core

haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Jun 24 13:24:42 CDT 2010

Author: borja
Date: 2010-06-24 13:24:42 -0500 (Thu, 24 Jun 2010)
New Revision: 811

Added option to interrupt simulation after a given amount of (simulated) time has passed.

Modified: branches/1.1/src/haizea/common/constants.py
--- branches/1.1/src/haizea/common/constants.py	2010-06-22 22:18:18 UTC (rev 810)
+++ branches/1.1/src/haizea/common/constants.py	2010-06-24 18:24:42 UTC (rev 811)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 STOPWHEN_ALLDONE = "all-leases-done"

Modified: branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/configfile.py
--- branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/configfile.py	2010-06-22 22:18:18 UTC (rev 810)
+++ branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/configfile.py	2010-06-24 18:24:42 UTC (rev 811)
@@ -524,7 +524,8 @@
             default     = constants.STOPWHEN_ALLDONE,
             valid       = [constants.STOPWHEN_ALLDONE,
-                           constants.STOPWHEN_BEDONE],
+                           constants.STOPWHEN_BEDONE,
+                           constants.STOPWHEN_EXACT],
             doc         = """
             When using the simulated clock, this specifies when the
             simulation must end. Valid options are:
@@ -534,9 +535,20 @@
              - besteffort-submitted: When all best-effort leases have been
              - besteffort-done: When all best-effort leases have been
-               completed.                
+               completed.    
+             - exact: Stop at a specific time (use option stop-when-time)            
+     Option(name        = "stop-when-time",
+            getter      = "stop-when-time",
+            type        = OPTTYPE_STRING,
+            required    = False,
+            required_if = [(("simulation","stop-when"),constants.STOPWHEN_EXACT)],
+            doc         = """
+            A time in format DD:HH:MM:SS at which the simulation should be
+            stopped (useful for debugging)            
+            """),
      Option(name        = "status-message-interval",
             getter      = "status-message-interval",
             type        = OPTTYPE_INT,

Modified: branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/manager.py
--- branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/manager.py	2010-06-22 22:18:18 UTC (rev 810)
+++ branches/1.1/src/haizea/core/manager.py	2010-06-24 18:24:42 UTC (rev 811)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 import socket
 from time import sleep
 from math import ceil
-from mx.DateTime import now, TimeDelta
+from mx.DateTime import now, TimeDelta, Parser
 DAEMON_STDERR = "/var/tmp/haizea.err"
@@ -868,6 +868,7 @@
         # We can also be done if we've specified that we want to stop when
         # the best-effort requests are all done or when they've all been submitted.
         stopwhen = self.manager.config.get("stop-when")
         besteffort = self.manager.scheduler.leases.get_leases(type = Lease.BEST_EFFORT)
         pendingbesteffort = [r for r in tracefrontend.requests if r.get_type() == Lease.BEST_EFFORT]
         if stopwhen == constants.STOPWHEN_BEDONE:
@@ -876,6 +877,12 @@
         elif stopwhen == constants.STOPWHEN_BESUBMITTED:
             if len(pendingbesteffort) == 0:
                 self.done = True
+        elif stopwhen == constants.STOPWHEN_ALLDONE:
+            pass
+        elif stopwhen == constants.STOPWHEN_EXACT:
+            t = Parser.DateTimeDeltaFromString(self.manager.config.get("stop-when-time"))
+            if self.time >= self.starttime + t:
+                self.done = True
         # If we didn't arrive at a new time, and we're not done, we've fallen into
         # an infinite loop. This is A Bad Thing(tm).

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