[haizea-commit] r516 - trunk

haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 24 13:34:55 CDT 2008

Author: borja
Date: 2008-09-24 13:34:55 -0500 (Wed, 24 Sep 2008)
New Revision: 516

README now only contains a pointer to the Haizea website

Modified: trunk/README
--- trunk/README	2008-09-24 18:34:22 UTC (rev 515)
+++ trunk/README	2008-09-24 18:34:55 UTC (rev 516)
@@ -6,125 +6,7 @@
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-                     Technology Preview 1.1
-This text file contains installation instructions. Please refer to
-the Haizea website for additional documentation.
----------------------- INSTALLING HAIZEA ----------------------------
-Haizea has been tested only on Unix systems, and these installation 
-instructions are given with a Unix system in mind. However, Haizea 
-includes no platform-specific code, and should run fine on other 
-systems. If there is enough interest, we can produce installers and 
-installation instructions for other platforms.
-Installing Haizea can be accomplished in four simple steps:
-Haizea has a couple of software dependencies. Let's get them out of 
-the way first:
-    * Python 2.5. Haizea should also work with Python 2.4, but all 
-      testing has been done on Python 2.5.
-    * mxDateTime 3.1.0 (part of the eGenix.com mx Base Distribution).
-    * Optional: pysqlite. This package is only necessary if you want 
-      to use the OpenNebula modules.
-    * Optional: Mako Templates for Python 0.2.2. This package is only 
-      necessary if you want to automate running multiple simulation 
-      experiments (if this doesn't make any sense, you can skip this 
-      prerequisite for now; you will be pointed to this prerequisite 
-      again in the documentation when you get to running multiple 
-      experiments).
-    * Optional: Psyco 1.6. This package optimizes the execution of 
-      Python code, resulting in the simulation code running much 
-      faster. You can skip this prerequisite if you are not going to 
-      use Haizea to run simulations, or if you are only going to run 
-      short simulations.
-Note that mxDateTime, pysqlite, Mako, and Psyco are all available as 
-packages (DEB, RPM, etc.) on most Linux distributions. If you don't 
-install any of the optional dependencies, Haizea will still run fine, 
-but some functionality may not be available, as noted above.
-Go to the download page and download the latest version of Haizea. 
-This will be a tarball called haizea-XXX.tar.gz, where XXX will be the 
-version number. For the remainder of the instructions, let's assume that 
-you've saved this file in a directory called $HAIZEA_INST.
-Go into directory $HAIZEA_INST and un-tar the installation package:
-	tar xvzf haizea-XXX.tar.gz
-This will create a directory called haizea-XXX in $HAIZEA_INST. Go into 
-that directory, and as root, run the following:
-	python setup.py install
-If you do not have root access, or want to install Haizea in your home 
-directory, run the following:
-	python setup.py install --home=$HOME
-Note: If you have never installed a Python package in your home directory 
-before, make sure you set the environment variable PYTHONPATH 
-appropriately so Python will be aware of the Haizea modules.
-	export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/lib/python
-After running the setup script, you should see a long list of installation 
-and build messages, ending with the following:
-	creating /usr/share/haizea/traces/multi
-	copying traces/multi/inj1.lwf -> /usr/share/haizea/traces/multi
-	copying traces/multi/inj2.lwf -> /usr/share/haizea/traces/multi
-	copying traces/multi/withprematureend.lwf -> /usr/share/haizea/traces/multi
-	copying traces/multi/withoutprematureend.lwf -> /usr/share/haizea/traces/multi
-	running install_egg_info
-	Writing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/haizea-TP1.0.egg-info
-If you see this, installation has been successful!
-Haizea includes some sample configuration files and lease request tracefiles 
-that you can use to test Haizea. If you installed Haizea as root, you can run 
-the following to test your installation:
-	haizea -c /usr/share/haizea/etc/sample.conf
-This will use a sample configuration file to simulate running the scheduler 
-with no requests, resulting in the following (somewhat anticlimactic) output:
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] TRACE   Loading tracefile /usr/share/haizea/traces/sample.lwf
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] TRACE   Loaded workload with 0 requests (0 best-effort + 0 AR)
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] RM      Starting resource manager
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] CLOCK   Starting simulated clock
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] CLOCK   Stopping simulated clock
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] RM      Stopping resource manager
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] RM        Completed best-effort leases: 0
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] RM        Accepted AR leases: 0
-[2006-11-25 13:00:00.00] RM        Rejected AR leases: 0
-Ok, not terribly exciting, but if you see this then the basic machinery is 
-working fine. To see how to do more elaborate simulations, take a look at 
-the Quickstart Guide.
-Note: If you installed Haizea in your home directory, you will have to run the 
-	haizea -c $HOME/share/haizea/etc/sample.conf
-Additionally, you will have to modify the tracefile option in the sample 
-configuration so it will point to the sample tracefile located in 
-$HOME/share/haizea/traces/sample.lwf (instead of under the /usr directory).
+    Please refer to the Haizea website for documentation on 
+                how to install and use Haizea.

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