[haizea-commit] r466 - trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager
haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
haizea-commit at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Aug 7 05:10:24 CDT 2008
Author: borja
Date: 2008-08-07 05:10:23 -0500 (Thu, 07 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 466
Changed name of stats.py to more descriptive "accounting"
Copied: trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/accounting.py (from rev 465, trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/stats.py)
--- trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/accounting.py (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/accounting.py 2008-08-07 10:10:23 UTC (rev 466)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright 2006-2008, University of Chicago #
+# Copyright 2008, Distributed Systems Architecture Group, Universidad #
+# Complutense de Madrid (dsa-research.org) #
+# #
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
+# a copy of the License at #
+# #
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
+# #
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
+# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
+# limitations under the License. #
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+import os
+import os.path
+import haizea.common.constants as constants
+import haizea.resourcemanager.datastruct as ds
+from haizea.common.utils import pickle
+from errno import EEXIST
+class StatsData(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Counters
+ self.counters = {}
+ self.counter_lists = {}
+ self.counter_avg_type = {}
+ # What are the nodes doing?
+ self.nodes = {}
+ # Lease data
+ self.leases = {}
+ def get_waiting_times(self):
+ waiting_times = {}
+ for lease_id in self.leases:
+ lease = self.leases[lease_id]
+ if isinstance(lease, ds.BestEffortLease):
+ waiting_times[lease_id] = lease.get_waiting_time()
+ return waiting_times
+ def get_slowdowns(self):
+ slowdowns = {}
+ for lease_id in self.leases:
+ lease = self.leases[lease_id]
+ if isinstance(lease, ds.BestEffortLease):
+ slowdowns[lease_id] = lease.get_slowdown()
+ return slowdowns
+class StatsCollection(object):
+ def __init__(self, rm, datafile):
+ self.data = StatsData()
+ self.rm = rm
+ self.datafile = datafile
+ self.starttime = None
+ def create_counter(self, counter_id, avgtype, initial=0):
+ self.data.counters[counter_id] = initial
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = []
+ self.data.counter_avg_type[counter_id] = avgtype
+ def incr_counter(self, counter_id, lease_id = None):
+ time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
+ self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id] + 1, lease_id, time)
+ def decr_counter(self, counter_id, lease_id = None):
+ time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
+ self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id] - 1, lease_id, time)
+ def append_stat(self, counter_id, value, lease_id = None, time = None):
+ if time == None:
+ time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
+ if len(self.data.counter_lists[counter_id]) > 0:
+ prevtime = self.data.counter_lists[counter_id][-1][0]
+ else:
+ prevtime = None
+ self.data.counters[counter_id] = value
+ if time == prevtime:
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id][-1][2] = value
+ else:
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id].append([time, lease_id, value])
+ def start(self, time):
+ self.starttime = time
+ # Start the counters
+ for counter_id in self.data.counters:
+ initial = self.data.counters[counter_id]
+ self.append_stat(counter_id, initial, time = time)
+ # Start the doing
+ numnodes = self.rm.resourcepool.getNumNodes()
+ for n in range(numnodes):
+ self.data.nodes[n+1] = [(time, constants.DOING_IDLE)]
+ def tick(self):
+ time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
+ # Update the doing
+ for node in self.rm.resourcepool.nodes:
+ nodenum = node.nod_id
+ doing = node.getState()
+ (lasttime, lastdoing) = self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1]
+ if doing == lastdoing:
+ # No need to update
+ pass
+ else:
+ if lasttime == time:
+ self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1] = (time, doing)
+ else:
+ self.data.nodes[nodenum].append((time, doing))
+ def stop(self):
+ time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
+ # Stop the counters
+ for counter_id in self.data.counters:
+ self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id], time=time)
+ # Add the averages
+ for counter_id in self.data.counters:
+ l = self.normalize_times(self.data.counter_lists[counter_id])
+ avgtype = self.data.counter_avg_type[counter_id]
+ if avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_NONE:
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_no_average(l)
+ elif avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_NORMAL:
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_average(l)
+ elif avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_TIMEWEIGHTED:
+ self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_timeweighted_average(l)
+ # Stop the doing
+ for node in self.rm.resourcepool.nodes:
+ nodenum = node.nod_id
+ doing = node.vm_doing
+ (lasttime, lastdoing) = self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1]
+ if time != lasttime:
+ self.data.nodes[nodenum].append((time, doing))
+ self.normalize_doing()
+ def normalize_times(self, data):
+ return [((v[0] - self.starttime).seconds, v[1], v[2]) for v in data]
+ def add_no_average(self, data):
+ return [(v[0], v[1], v[2], None) for v in data]
+ def add_timeweighted_average(self, data):
+ accum = 0
+ prev_time = None
+ prev_value = None
+ stats = []
+ for v in data:
+ time = v[0]
+ lease_id = v[1]
+ value = v[2]
+ if prev_time != None:
+ timediff = time - prev_time
+ weighted_value = prev_value*timediff
+ accum += weighted_value
+ avg = accum/time
+ else:
+ avg = value
+ stats.append((time, lease_id, value, avg))
+ prev_time = time
+ prev_value = value
+ return stats
+ def add_average(self, data):
+ accum = 0
+ count = 0
+ stats = []
+ for v in data:
+ value = v[2]
+ accum += value
+ count += 1
+ avg = accum/count
+ stats.append((v[0], v[1], value, avg))
+ return stats
+ def normalize_doing(self):
+ nodes = dict([(i+1, []) for i in range(self.rm.resourcepool.getNumNodes())])
+ for n in self.data.nodes:
+ nodes[n] = []
+ prevtime = None
+ prevdoing = None
+ for (time, doing) in self.data.nodes[n]:
+ if prevtime != None:
+ difftime = (time-prevtime).seconds
+ nodes[n].append((difftime, prevdoing))
+ prevtime = time
+ prevdoing = doing
+ self.data.nodes = nodes
+ def save_to_disk(self):
+ try:
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(self.datafile)
+ if not os.path.exists(dirname):
+ os.makedirs(dirname)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != EEXIST:
+ raise e
+ # Add lease data
+ leases = self.rm.scheduler.completedleases.entries
+ # Remove some data that won't be necessary in the reporting tools
+ for l in leases.values():
+ l.clear_rrs()
+ l.scheduler = None
+ l.logger = None
+ self.data.leases[l.id] = l
+ # Save data
+ pickle(self.data, self.datafile)
Deleted: trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/stats.py
--- trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/stats.py 2008-08-06 17:24:45 UTC (rev 465)
+++ trunk/src/haizea/resourcemanager/stats.py 2008-08-07 10:10:23 UTC (rev 466)
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Copyright 2006-2008, University of Chicago #
-# Copyright 2008, Distributed Systems Architecture Group, Universidad #
-# Complutense de Madrid (dsa-research.org) #
-# #
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may #
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain #
-# a copy of the License at #
-# #
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
-# #
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
-# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
-# limitations under the License. #
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-import os
-import os.path
-import haizea.common.constants as constants
-import haizea.resourcemanager.datastruct as ds
-from haizea.common.utils import pickle
-from errno import EEXIST
-class StatsData(object):
- def __init__(self):
- # Counters
- self.counters = {}
- self.counter_lists = {}
- self.counter_avg_type = {}
- # What are the nodes doing?
- self.nodes = {}
- # Lease data
- self.leases = {}
- def get_waiting_times(self):
- waiting_times = {}
- for lease_id in self.leases:
- lease = self.leases[lease_id]
- if isinstance(lease, ds.BestEffortLease):
- waiting_times[lease_id] = lease.get_waiting_time()
- return waiting_times
- def get_slowdowns(self):
- slowdowns = {}
- for lease_id in self.leases:
- lease = self.leases[lease_id]
- if isinstance(lease, ds.BestEffortLease):
- slowdowns[lease_id] = lease.get_slowdown()
- return slowdowns
-class StatsCollection(object):
- def __init__(self, rm, datafile):
- self.data = StatsData()
- self.rm = rm
- self.datafile = datafile
- self.starttime = None
- def create_counter(self, counter_id, avgtype, initial=0):
- self.data.counters[counter_id] = initial
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = []
- self.data.counter_avg_type[counter_id] = avgtype
- def incr_counter(self, counter_id, lease_id = None):
- time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
- self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id] + 1, lease_id, time)
- def decr_counter(self, counter_id, lease_id = None):
- time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
- self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id] - 1, lease_id, time)
- def append_stat(self, counter_id, value, lease_id = None, time = None):
- if time == None:
- time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
- if len(self.data.counter_lists[counter_id]) > 0:
- prevtime = self.data.counter_lists[counter_id][-1][0]
- else:
- prevtime = None
- self.data.counters[counter_id] = value
- if time == prevtime:
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id][-1][2] = value
- else:
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id].append([time, lease_id, value])
- def start(self, time):
- self.starttime = time
- # Start the counters
- for counter_id in self.data.counters:
- initial = self.data.counters[counter_id]
- self.append_stat(counter_id, initial, time = time)
- # Start the doing
- numnodes = self.rm.resourcepool.getNumNodes()
- for n in range(numnodes):
- self.data.nodes[n+1] = [(time, constants.DOING_IDLE)]
- def tick(self):
- time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
- # Update the doing
- for node in self.rm.resourcepool.nodes:
- nodenum = node.nod_id
- doing = node.getState()
- (lasttime, lastdoing) = self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1]
- if doing == lastdoing:
- # No need to update
- pass
- else:
- if lasttime == time:
- self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1] = (time, doing)
- else:
- self.data.nodes[nodenum].append((time, doing))
- def stop(self):
- time = self.rm.clock.get_time()
- # Stop the counters
- for counter_id in self.data.counters:
- self.append_stat(counter_id, self.data.counters[counter_id], time=time)
- # Add the averages
- for counter_id in self.data.counters:
- l = self.normalize_times(self.data.counter_lists[counter_id])
- avgtype = self.data.counter_avg_type[counter_id]
- if avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_NONE:
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_no_average(l)
- elif avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_NORMAL:
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_average(l)
- elif avgtype == constants.AVERAGE_TIMEWEIGHTED:
- self.data.counter_lists[counter_id] = self.add_timeweighted_average(l)
- # Stop the doing
- for node in self.rm.resourcepool.nodes:
- nodenum = node.nod_id
- doing = node.vm_doing
- (lasttime, lastdoing) = self.data.nodes[nodenum][-1]
- if time != lasttime:
- self.data.nodes[nodenum].append((time, doing))
- self.normalize_doing()
- def normalize_times(self, data):
- return [((v[0] - self.starttime).seconds, v[1], v[2]) for v in data]
- def add_no_average(self, data):
- return [(v[0], v[1], v[2], None) for v in data]
- def add_timeweighted_average(self, data):
- accum = 0
- prev_time = None
- prev_value = None
- stats = []
- for v in data:
- time = v[0]
- lease_id = v[1]
- value = v[2]
- if prev_time != None:
- timediff = time - prev_time
- weighted_value = prev_value*timediff
- accum += weighted_value
- avg = accum/time
- else:
- avg = value
- stats.append((time, lease_id, value, avg))
- prev_time = time
- prev_value = value
- return stats
- def add_average(self, data):
- accum = 0
- count = 0
- stats = []
- for v in data:
- value = v[2]
- accum += value
- count += 1
- avg = accum/count
- stats.append((v[0], v[1], value, avg))
- return stats
- def normalize_doing(self):
- nodes = dict([(i+1, []) for i in range(self.rm.resourcepool.getNumNodes())])
- for n in self.data.nodes:
- nodes[n] = []
- prevtime = None
- prevdoing = None
- for (time, doing) in self.data.nodes[n]:
- if prevtime != None:
- difftime = (time-prevtime).seconds
- nodes[n].append((difftime, prevdoing))
- prevtime = time
- prevdoing = doing
- self.data.nodes = nodes
- def save_to_disk(self):
- try:
- dirname = os.path.dirname(self.datafile)
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.makedirs(dirname)
- except OSError, e:
- if e.errno != EEXIST:
- raise e
- # Add lease data
- leases = self.rm.scheduler.completedleases.entries
- # Remove some data that won't be necessary in the reporting tools
- for l in leases.values():
- l.clear_rrs()
- l.scheduler = None
- l.logger = None
- self.data.leases[l.id] = l
- # Save data
- pickle(self.data, self.datafile)
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