[CS] Bhakti Shah MS Presentation - May 17, 2024

Jessica Garza jdgarza at uchicago.edu
Mon May 6 13:19:20 CDT 2024

This is an announcement of Bhakti Shah's MS Presentation


Candidate: Bhakti Shah

Date: Friday, May 17, 2024

Time:  2:30 pm CT

Location: JCL 390

Title: Proof Visualization for Graphical Languages 

Abstract: Reasoning about graphical languages in a proof assistant can be hard. Canonical diagrammatic representations are optimized for readability, and may abstract away details irrelevant to a pen-and-paper proof, but these details are often important to a proof assistant. We develop a methodology for working with graphical languages associated with classes of categories, and equip it with an automated visualizer integrated with the Coq proof assistant, enabling diagrammatic reasoning. We instantiate this with the ZX-calculus, a language for quantum computation, as an example of specialized diagrammatic reasoning.

Advisors: Robert Rand 

Committee Members: Robert Rand, Stuart Kurtz, John Reppy

Jessica Garza
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Computer Science
The University of Chicago
John Crerar Library 374
Office: (773) 702-2336

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