[CS] Reminder - Grace Williams MS Presentation/May 6, 2024

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Mon May 6 07:40:10 CDT 2024

This is an announcement of Grace Williams's MS Presentation
Candidate: Grace Williams

Date: Monday, May 06, 2024

Time: 10:30 am CT

Remote Location: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99397558105?pwd=dlFrMWhaNlQvbzdQREdMYjlFK2J1Zz09<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/99397558105?pwd=dlFrMWhaNlQvbzdQREdMYjlFK2J1Zz09__;!!BpyFHLRN4TMTrA!6Ohjti_nuIzgohTwtf0hKs9wU_58LqMtY79KansjOpgQzvWzCGARah2RwxIDlX_HnAAvmE4XDHHBhTtB_NpWfQXWotnR579psUJB$> Meeting ID: 993 9755 8105 Passcode: 520650

Location: JCL 236

Title: TwinTanglement: A Puzzle Game Introduction to Quantum Entanglement

Abstract: Quantum entanglement presents a difficult challenge to computer science educators at both the basic and advanced level; the concepts fundamental to quantum computing are often counterintuitive and have no precedent in previous educational settings. Our hope is that if we introduce the intuition behind such a high-level concept at a younger age, we create students who are more prepared and enthusiastic to learn about quantum computing in the future. Because of this, we developed Quander, a suite of educational games designed to present quantum concepts to upper-elementary and middle-school (8-15 y.o.) students. This paper will specifically focus on TwinTanglement, a puzzle game whose core game mechanic is based on quantum entanglement. The premise is that two "entangled" twins simultaneously navigate slightly-different mazes and you must switch which twin you control to solve the puzzle. We collected quantitative data through player logs and qualitative data through focus group interviews from fourth-sixth (8-11 y.o.) grade students at a summer camp. Most students found the game challenging but enjoyable, and player logs suggest the game was appropriately difficult. Many students were able to connect the concepts in this game to the concepts from previously-introduced games in our collection, specifically ones with a more direct tie to quantum concepts. We believe these findings suggest that TwinTanglement has promise as an engaging teaching tool for quantum computing, specifically in the context of the other Quander games.

Advisors: Diana Franklin

Committee Members: Diana Franklin, Sarah Sebo, and Danielle Harlow

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