[CS] Shinan Liu Candidacy Exam/Mar 20, 2024

meganwoodward at uchicago.edu meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 7 09:25:05 CST 2024

This is an announcement of Shinan Liu's Candidacy Exam.
Candidate: Shinan Liu

Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Time: 10:15 am CST

Remote Location:  https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/95451736645?pwd=d0NKQi9XTnlEd3pOcU9RUkh6MlVXdz09

Location: JCL 298

Title: Operationalizing Machine Learning for Networks

Abstract: The landscape of computer networking has witnessed a rapid expansion, with machine learning (ML) models playing an increasingly vital role in network management, such as capacity planning, home network automation, and service recognition. Operationalizing ML in networking, unlike traditional ML pipelines, presents unique challenges attributable to the specific traits of network data. Factors such as the presence of diverse forms of concept drift,  a lack of data integrations, and the system's need to accommodate substantial traffic volumes, all contribute to these complexities. In this talk, I will talk about my recent endeavors on how to effectively solve these challenges, and make ML practical for networking tasks.

Advisors: Nick Feamster

Committee Members: Nick Feamster, Sanjay Krishnan, Junchen Jiang, and Zakir Durumeric

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