[CS] Jesse Stern Dissertation Defense/Apr 17, 2024

meganwoodward at uchicago.edu meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Wed Apr 3 09:09:31 CDT 2024

This is an announcement of Jesse Stern's Dissertation Defense.
Candidate: Jesse Stern

Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Time: 10 am CT

Location: JCL 390

Title: Volume Leakage Based Attacks Against Secure Outsourced Databases And Their Relation to The Turnpike Problem and Tilings

Abstract: When outsourcing data, one of the things the host learns about the data is the number of records returned in response to each user query. We refer to this as volume leakage and study attacks on databases that leak the volumes of range queries over database attributes. We provide two new attacks within this area, one against noisy volume leakage and another against volume leakage of d-dimensional databases for d > 1 (where previous work only considered the case of d = 1). 

To build these attack algorithms, in the second chapter of my dissertation, we prove the equivalence of this problem to the turnpike problem. We then take ideas from algorithms previously used to solve the turnpike problem and expand upon them to yield our attacks. This connection also allows us to directly apply numerous theoretical results from the turnpike problem to the problem of database reconstruction from volume leakage. Further, we prove several new theoretical results with respect to the database reconstruction problem using ideas from the turnpike literature.

While we focus on the aforementioned results in this talk, we also briefly cover results from later chapters. At a high level, these results focus on a reduction of database reconstruction from volume leakage to a tiling problem and results with respect to this problem.

Advisors: David Cash

Committee Members: Alexander Razborov, David Cash, and Aloni Cohen

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