[CS] JCL- 2nd Floor Pipe Work near 260 -3/16-3/17

Carmen Langford clangford1 at uchicago.edu
Wed Mar 15 12:54:20 CDT 2023


JCL 2nd Floor, near 260 will have emergency pipe work to repair a leak on the chilled water supply, starting tomorrow 3/16/23 at 6am, until Friday 3/17/23 afternoon. The area near the pipe being replaced will be impacted and the area will be a restricted work zone. Other areas that will be impacted during this repair due to no cooling are: 256, 326, 357, 379, 390. As additional information becomes available, we will reach out to further advise. Thank you for your patience during this untimely emergency, apologies for any inconvenience.


Carmen Langford
Building Manager
Department of Computer Science
5730 S Ellis Ave – Room 248
Chicago, IL 60637
clangford1 at uchicago.edu<mailto:parodriguez at uchicago.edu>

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