[CS] UPDATED TIME - Casey Duckering Candidacy Exam/Jun 23, 2022

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 14 13:45:31 CDT 2022

This is an announcement of Casey Duckering's Candidacy Exam.
Candidate: Casey Duckering

Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022

New Time:  9:30 AM CST

Remote Location:  https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/98990038211?pwd=QVJzLzhEc2NXYXE0TG1RZnhEdFpSdz09

Title: New Abstractions for Quantum Computing

Abstract: The field of quantum computing is at an exciting time where we are building devices, running programs, and finding out what works best. As qubit technology grows and matures, we need to be ready to design and program larger quantum computer systems. An important aspect of systems design is layered abstractions to reduce complexity and guide intuition. Classical computer systems have built up many abstractions over its history including the layers of the hardware stack and programming abstractions like loops. Researchers initially ported these abstractions with little modification when designing quantum computer systems and only in recent years have some of those abstractions been broken in the name of optimization and efficiency. We argue that new or quantum-tailored abstractions are needed to get the most benefit out of quantum computer systems. We keep the benefits gained through breaking old abstraction by finding abstractions aligned with quantum physics and the technology. This dissertation is supported by three examples of abstractions that could become a core part of how we design and program quantum computers: third-level logical state as scratch space, memory as a third spacial dimension for quantum data, and architecture-tuned hierarchical programs.

Advisors: Fred Chong

Committee Members: Hank Hoffmann, Ken Brown, and Fred Chong

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