[CS] Sophia Lin MS Presentation/Jun 9, 2022

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Wed Jun 8 10:21:26 CDT 2022

This is an announcement of Sophia Lin's MS Presentation
Candidate: Sophia Lin

Date: Thursday, June 09, 2022

Time: 11 am CST

Remote Location: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/94849905854?pwd=eTF4MzZOeVRWZUZ5ZjVDa3poeHhTdz09

M.S. Paper Title: Compiling to Gate Sets Tailored to Qubit Variations

Abstract: Near-term quantum computers are primarily limited by errors in quantum operations (or gates) between two quantum bits (or qubits). A physical machine typically provides a set of basis gates that include primitive 2-qubit (2Q) and 1-qubit (1Q) gates that can be implemented in a given technology. In superconducting technologies, the current state of the art is to implement the same 2-qubit entangling gate between every pair of qubits (typically an XX- or XY-type gate). Entangling gates, coupled with some 1Q gates, allow for universal quantum computation.
We propose a radical idea – allow the 2Q basis gate(s) to differ between every pair of qubits, selecting the best entangling gates that can be calibrated between given pairs of qubits. Then let the compiler synthesize the desired logical gates for quantum programs from the gates that the qubits prefer. We find that this approach can improve gate fidelities by more than 10X and improve program fidelities exponentially. We introduce a practical method for finding the best entangling gate between two qubits, as well as a method for synthesizing logical gate from these entanglers. Our proof of concept focuses on the efficient synthesis of the high-fidelity SWAP gate, the dominant gate in quantum programs on machines with near-neighbor interconnects, but we also ensure implementation of a universal gate set with good fidelity.

Advisors: Fred Chong

Committee Members: Fred Chong, Robert Rand, and Andrew Houck

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