[CS] Pouya Mahdi Gholami MS Presentation/Dec 14, 2022

Megan Woodward meganwoodward at uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 13 09:54:46 CST 2022

This is an announcement of Pouya Mahdi Gholami's MS Presentation
Candidate: Pouya Mahdi Gholami

Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Time: 11 am CST

Location: JCL 298

Remote Location: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/95759025362?pwd=bmkwZVFubVlYSlNoVEFkL00zRU5PZz09

M.S. Paper Title: SEASONS: Signal and Energy Aware Sensing on iNtermittent Systems

Abstract: Both energy-aware, batteryless intermittent systems and signal-aware adaptive sampling algorithms (ASA) aim to minimize sensor data accuracy under energy constraints in edge devices. Intuitively, combining both into a signal- & energy-aware solution would yield even better accuracy. Unfortunately, ASAs and intermittent systems rely on conflicting energy availability assumptions. So, a straightforward combination cannot achieve their combined benefits. Therefore, we propose SEASONS, the first framework for signal- and energy-aware intermittent systems. SEASONS buffers signal data in time, monitoring queue dynamics to ensure the data is reported within a user-specified latency constraint. SEASONS improves sensor data accuracy by 31% without increasing energy usage.

Advisors: Hank Hoffmann

Committee: Hank Hoffman, Pedro Lopes, and Shan Lu

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