[CS] Re: Opportunities for an Incoming First Year!

Haoyu Shi haoyushi at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 20 05:01:12 CDT 2021

Hi Aafia,
You’re very passionate. I am not a CS student but interested in applying technology in art, humanity, and social science. I’ll be in Chicago in Aug.

Haoyu Shi

发件人: cs <cs-bounces+haoyushi=cs.uchicago.edu at mailman.cs.uchicago.edu> 代表 Aafia Sait <aafiasait at uchicago.edu>
发送时间: 星期二, 七月 20, 2021 5:43 下午
收件人: cs at cs.uchicago.edu
主题: [CS] Opportunities for an Incoming First Year!


My name is Aafia Sait and I’m an incoming first-year at the University of Chicago. As a prospective Computer Science major, I was wondering if there was any way for me to get involved with the CS department at UChicago before matriculating in the fall. I am currently in Chicago and will be here till school starts in September, and would love the opportunity to learn, research, or assist in any way in order to expand my experience and knowledge of computer science. I am also happy to share more information about my qualifications and past experience before moving forward. UChicago’s computer science department is ground-breaking and truly aligns with my goals to be a computer scientist who uses technology as a versatile tool for growth and innovation. I look forward to being a part of the community for the next 4 years!

Aafia Sait
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