[CS] CSIL Support Winter Quarter 2021

Cosmos Boekell cboekell at uchicago.edu
Mon Jan 11 08:00:00 CST 2021

Dear CS students, faculty and staff,

Happy 2021! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday break.

I have some updates regarding CSIL support this quarter. CSIL will be
providing remote technical support via a virtual help desk and by
appointment this quarter. You can access the virtual help desk at this link
schedule an appointment with someone from our staff please email
csil at cs.uchicago.edu.

CSIL Help Desk hours will be:
Monday through Friday 9 am - 5 pm CDT (2 pm - 10 pm UTC).

CSIL will also offer remote access to some of the CSIL Macs. Please note
that performance is affected by network speeds and the number of users
connecting to the remote clients. For this reason, this remote access is
only recommended if a user does not have access to a Mac and cannot use
linux.cs.uchicago.edu or vdesk.cs.uchicago.edu (via a browser). If you need
to connect remotely to a Mac please email csil at cs.uchicago.edu.

Because of current resumption protocols, CSIL is not currently hosting
in-person access to our labs at John Crerar Library (JCL). Since many
campus in-person protocols are very fluid, we will continue to monitor the
activities at JCL and campus-wide and consider the potential for hosting
in-person access to CSIL labs by appointment, if it is deemed safe.

CSIL offers video tutorials on our minicourses page
<https://csil.cs.uchicago.edu/minicourses.html>. If there is something you
would like us to cover that isn't currently available please let me know
and we will do our best to add it. We are also happy to facilitate remote
one-on-one and group training sessions if that is of interest.

For more updates please check the CSIL website
<https://csil.cs.uchicago.edu/> <https://csil.cs.uchicago.edu/> or CSIL's
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/uchicagocsil>, Twitter
<https://twitter.com/uchicagocsil/>, or Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/uchicagocsil/> pages for updates.

If you have any questions please email me here or email csil at cs.uchicago.edu

Have a great quarter!



*Cosmos Boekell      *

Director of Computer Science Instructional Laboratory (CSIL

*The University of Chicago | Computer Science Department *

cboekell at uchicago.edu

*[I use he, him, his pronouns]*

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