[CS] Shu Wang PhD Defense/Aug 26, 2021

nitayack at uchicago.edu nitayack at uchicago.edu
Fri Aug 6 15:42:31 CDT 2021

This is an announcement of Shu Wang's PhD Defense
Candidate: Shu Wang

Date: Thursday, August 26, 2021

Time:  2:30 pm CST

Remote Location: https://uchicago.zoom.us/j/91465921550?pwd=UDR3S0xFdEFaWi9pMEVTZURtYTkzZz09 Meeting ID: 914 6592 1550;   Passcode: 687044

Title:  Adaptive Framework for Configuration Tuning

Abstract: Software systems increasingly expose configuration parameters to users; however, determining the best configuration is difficult, both because it requires some knowledge of software internals, and often the best configuration changes due to unpredictable, dynamic changes in workload or operating environment. We studied the real-world performance-sensitive configurations and the challenges of setting them. Guided by that study, I proposed a systematic and general control-theoretic framework, SmartConf, for automatically adjusting the configuration to meet required operating constraints while optimizing other performance metrics. To enhance those self-adaptive frameworks, I proposed AgileCtrl by reducing human explicitly or implicitly configurations. 

Advisors: Shan Lu

Committee Members: Haryadi Gunawi, Hank Hoffmann, and Shan Lu

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