[CS] CDAC Discovery Challenge -- RFP and Info

Rob Mitchum rmitchum at uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 15 14:51:45 CDT 2020

The RFP for the CDAC Data Science Discovery Challenge
is now available, please share information below with relevant researchers
in your division/unit. I'd also like to encourage potential applicants to
discuss their project with Julia Lane <jlane2 at uchicago.edu> or our steering
committee members <https://cdac.uchicago.edu/about/steering-committee/> so
we can provide guidance.


*CDAC Discovery Challenge
*Up to $250K in research grants, Pre-proposal applications due November 2,

The Discovery Challenge is a new seed funding program at the Center for
Data and Computing (CDAC) that accelerates the research-to-impact process
through the development of research-based, use-inspired data science
technologies and tools. The Discovery Challenge also requires the inclusion
of external collaborators from industry, local government, or other
stakeholders that can provide critical input and accelerate the transition
of research into practical use.

Projects may focus on broad and cross-cutting topics such as, but not
limited to: behavioral economics, precision workforce development, bias and
fairness, operationalizing AI, IoT & privacy, and medical imaging. Funding
will be awarded up to $250,000 over 24 months.

The goals of the program are to:

   - Accelerate the development of transformational AI & data science
   technologies that deliver high impact results to society,
   - Deepen cooperation and information sharing between potential users
   such as industry, academic teams, and external stakeholders,
   - Position projects to successfully scale and secure external funding.

The guiding rationale of the Discovery Challenge is that societally
relevant research requires engagement with experts across disciplines — as
well as multiple kinds of stakeholders, including the end users of such
outputs. However, identifying, engaging with, and creating solutions for
interdisciplinary challenges that also benefit (and don’t inadvertently
harm) stakeholders is a non-trivial task that often requires matchmaking,
customer discovery, and a plan for coordination.

The opportunity is open to researchers at the University of Chicago with PI
status, and collaborators from Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory, and the Toyota Technology Institute. See the RFP
for details on eligibility and the FAQ
<https://cdac.uchicago.edu/discovery-challenge-fy21/#faq> for more details.

*Rob Mitchum*

*Associate Director of Communications for Data Science and Computing*
*University of Chicago*
*rmitchum at uchicago.edu <rmitchum at ci.uchicago.edu>*
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