[CS] Student Publication Looking for a Quantitative Editor

Zander Arnao arnaoz at uchicago.edu
Thu Nov 26 11:51:26 CST 2020


Can you please share the following opportunity through the Computer Science
list host? I greatly appreciate it.

Zander Arnao

Dear students,

Political Analytics, an RSO and student-run journalistic publication at
UChicago, is looking for a Quantitative Editor. We cover current events
with a strong emphasis on statistical analysis and data science and are
looking for new leadership with a robust background in STEM.

This leadership role offers the opportunity to hone your analytical and
writing skills, share your quantitative passions with other UChicago
students, and explore your journalistic interests at a unique UChicago
publication. If this opportunity interests you, please fill out the
application form linked below.

The Quantitative Editor will be responsible for assisting writers with the
data and statistical analysis of their pieces. In practice, this role will


   identifying sources of data,

   assessing the quantitative potential of pitches,

   guiding writers in their analysis, and

   vetting their chosen methodologies and results.

These tasks will require strong knowledge of statistics, data science, and
research methods, especially as they can be applied to current events.
Though no journalistic experience is necessary, candidates should be
prepared to work with others on the editorial team. A strong applicant
should have an interest in current events and other topics like politics,
the economy, and public policy.

For more information, please contact Political Analytics’ Editor-in-Chief,
Zander Arnao, at arnaoz at uchicago.edu.



Application Link: https://forms.gle/m3QtvfBXuPwZbZXQ7
*Zander Arnao*
B.A. Public Policy, Minor in Data Science
The University of Chicago | Class of 2022
Email: arnaoz at uchicago.edu
Pronouns: He/Him/His
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